The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1190 There is an eager light in the eyes

Chapter 1190 There is an eager light in the eyes

She still doesn't understand until now, what kind of stimulation he received, why would he suddenly want to chase her?
After thinking about it, she couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

I saw her twirling the wine glass and taking another sip of the wine.

Rainy days always make people sleepy easily, and after drinking a few sips of red wine, she felt that her eyelids were a bit heavy.

In the past few days, she didn't have enough rest, and she was lack of energy. Anyway, she had time to relax, so she put down her wine glass and walked to the bed, and then lay down.

The clock on the wall showed four o'clock in the afternoon.

She decided to get some sleep.

The soft big bed was covered with a clear breath, very much like the smell of a certain man.

This smell, like pines and cypresses, smells very good.

After a while, she couldn't hold it anymore, closed her eyes, and just fell asleep.

Outside the window, the rain was getting smaller and smaller, and finally, it finally stopped.

Office area outside the break room.

Liang Feimo was sitting at his desk, working.

He had already taken off his suit and was wearing only a white shirt, and the tie had not been put on since he tore it off.

There was no formal attire, and he rolled up his cuffs, so the whole person inexplicably added a kind of wantonness and laziness, without the usual rigor.

In the past, every time he went to work, he had a cold and serious face, but today, perhaps because he knew that there was a certain girl in the rest room not far away, his cold heart seemed to be injected with warmth.

Holding the document in his hand, he read it quickly at a glance, and signed it in one go.

In order to be able to complete the work as quickly as possible, he stepped up the speed.

Time passed by every second.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, after the rain stopped, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and a rainbow appeared in the sky.

After the storm, the sky becomes more beautiful.

In the quiet office, the only sound was the man flipping over the documents and the rustling sound of the pen nib falling on the paper.

After a long time, the man closed the document and put it aside after reviewing the last document.

In the next second, he got up, took a long leg, left the desk, and walked towards the rest room.

The door of the rest room was ajar. After he raised his hand and opened the door, he stepped inside, his eyes swept away, and his gaze was fixed on the girl who was sleeping sideways on the big bed.

The complicated ancient costumes on the girl have long since been taken off, only the simple obscene clothes and trousers are left, and the golden hairpins on the top of the bun with black hair have also been removed.

She slept soundly, her slender eyelashes covered her eyelids, casting a shadow on her eyes, and her lips were pink and glowing.As she fell asleep, she put her hands together beside the pillow, looking cute and peaceful.

The picture in front of him was reflected in Liang Feimo's dark eyes.

There was tenderness in his face, and it seemed that a small hand was slowly smoothing the depths of his chest.

Afraid of making any noise to wake up the sleeping girl, he closed the door lightly, and walked to the bed.

Seeing from a close distance, the girl's breathing is even, and her whole body exudes sweetness and softness, which makes him feel moved.

In the next second, he sat on the side of the bed, stretched out his hand, and stroked the girl's white and soft face with his fingertips, slid along the thin eyebrows to the bridge of the nose, and finally landed on her lips.

With his index finger, he gently caressed the red lips covered with lipstick, and there was an eager light in his eyes.

Just looking at it like this, in the next second, his face was approaching, and his thin lips were about to fall, but at this moment, the girl who was originally sleeping suddenly moved her eyelashes, showing signs of waking up.

Maybe because he knew the girl was going to wake up, his lips still didn't fall.

(End of this chapter)

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