The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1191 The situation is a bit dangerous now

Chapter 1191 The situation is a bit dangerous now
When Rao Shixin opened his eyes, his mind was still in a daze.

This time she slept soundly, without dreaming, and was very comfortable.

It's just that when she fell asleep, she could feel someone approaching, and that familiar aura surrounded her, making her want to open her eyes to see who it was.

Until, she felt a warm touch from the side of her cheek, delicate and gentle, which made her inexplicably faster heartbeat, so that she finally woke up.

When she woke up and opened her eyes, what she saw was the man's handsome face, with sword-like eyebrows and deep eyes, and the dark pupils were filled with deep enthusiasm, which made her unable to react for a while.

When her mind cleared up, she realized that the man in front of her was Liang Feimo.

Because the distance was too close, she could see the man's thick and elegant black eyelashes.Normally, a man's eyes are too cold, so she can't notice anything else after just one glance. Now, after staring at the man's eyelashes, she realizes that the man's eyelashes can be so long and delicate, and they are paired with such a slender eyelashes. When the face is cold, it doesn't give people a sense of disobedience.

"Wake up." Liang Feimo's voice became magnetic, like mellow red wine, and said, "Are you hungry?"

Rao Shixin was taken aback for a moment, he was still a little dazed when he just woke up, and just shook his head.Immediately afterwards, he sat up with his hands propped up, and at the same time glanced at the sky outside the window.

The sky with a touch of orange in the azure blue is magnificent, just like the ones depicted in the comics.

She looked back, looked at the man in front of her again, and said, "Have you finished your work?"

"Yeah." Liang Feimo's eyes glowed softly, "It's still early, if you're sleepy, go on sleeping for a while."

Rao Shixin glanced at the clock, only to realize that it was almost six o'clock.

It turned out that she had slept for more than an hour.

"No, I won't sleep anymore." She stretched her feet to step out of bed.

Liang Feimo saw that she was going to the ground, so he said, "Where are you going?"

"I want to go outside." Rao Shixin always felt that there was only him and himself in this rest room, which was a bit uncomfortable.

I don't know what's going on, but after the man lost his arrogance, there was a kind of tenderness in his eyes and movements, which made her heart beat faster for no reason.

Especially, she has just woken up, and it is when her head is not clear enough, if he wants to do something at this time, she may easily faint and then
All in all, the situation is a bit dangerous now, she can't stay in this rest room, she has to go outside.

Seeing that she was eager to get out of bed, Liang Feimo didn't stop her, but asked softly, "If you're hungry, let's go eat."

These words made Rao Shixin pause when he put on his shoes.She looked up and asked, "How about ordering takeaway tonight?"

She felt that it was fine to eat something casually and finish dinner, otherwise the man would pester her for some reason.

"Takeaway?" Liang Feimo frowned slightly, "You want to eat here with me."

Rao Shixin responded immediately: "No, eat on the desk outside."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo paused, his eyes flashed in deep thought, and his thin lips curled up, "What are you afraid of?"

Rao Shixin was a little dissatisfied when he heard this, "What can I be afraid of!"

However, as soon as she said this, the man suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist, and then pushed her back with the other hand.

She fell back unpreparedly, and at the same time, she was suppressed by some heavy object.

At that moment, she widened her eyes and became anxious, "Liang Feimo, what are you going to do? If you act recklessly, I will call someone."

(End of this chapter)

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