The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1195 Only food can make people happy physically and mentally!

Chapter 1195 Only food can make people happy physically and mentally!

However, fortunately, he is witty and knows how to spend a lot of money to buy food directly from customers, which saves time in queuing.

Fortunately, on the way back, the rain stopped and there was no traffic jam, which saved him a lot of time.

However, when he just returned to Liang's, he received another message from Mr. Liang asking him to buy clothes, so he drove out again.

On the sofa, Rao Shixin saw that Wen Xi came back with two big bags in his hand. One bag was holding Jinlinglou's delicacies. Just look at the logo on the outside of the bag. As for the other bag, She didn't know what it was.

Of course, this is not within the scope of her concern, what she noticed right now was the delicious food in Jinling Tower.

She didn't eat anything at noon, and she was really hungry after several hours.

Originally, Wen Xie was asked to go to Jinling Tower to buy food because she was upset and unable to play tricks on Liang Feimo, so she vented her dissatisfaction on Wen Xie.

The delicacies of Jinling Tower are not so easy to buy. She originally wanted to buy Wen Xie on purpose, but she didn't expect Wen Xie to actually buy them back after a trip.

At that moment, seeing the iconic logo on the bag, coupled with her hunger, her appetite was really aroused.

Wen Xi walked up to the table respectfully, put the bag on the table, and said, "Miss Rao, this is what you want."

"Tsk, Secretary Wen, I didn't expect you to buy it back. It's good." After Rao Shixin fell asleep and saw the delicious food, he lost all emotions.

I saw that while she was talking, she didn't forget to quickly open the bag, take out the delicious food inside, and open it again.

As the box is opened, the deliciousness of the food wafts away.

There was a smile on Wen Xie's face, "Miss Rao, it was your order, and I will definitely do it."

"Thank you, Secretary Wen." Rao Shixin picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of dessert, and put it into his mouth.

Wen Xi was a little flattered, and quickly responded: "It's not hard, it's my honor to be able to serve Miss Rao."

After Rao Shixin ate the snack, his eyebrows relaxed, and his entire face was filled with joy.

Only food can make people happy physically and mentally!

On the other side of the sofa, Liang Feimo's eyes were full of doting light.His eyes kept falling on the girl beside him.

Seeing the girl showing a satisfied expression while tasting the food, he also raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

Maybe the girl ate too fast, almost choked, and coughed lightly.

Liang Feimo immediately picked up the teapot on the table, filled the girl's cup with tea, brought the cup to the girl's lips, and said, "Eat slowly, drink water, and be careful not to choke."

Standing in front of the sofa, Wen Xi felt incredible.

Mr. Liang, who can sign a contract of hundreds of millions in minutes, is serving tea to Ms. Rao, and even feeds Ms. Rao himself?

So. In fact, Mr. Liang also has a gentle side?
So fantastic!

He had to take it slowly.

Rao Shixin took Liang Feimo's hand and took a sip of tea, which made him feel much smoother.

She was so hungry that she ate a little fast.

Of course, even when she was extremely hungry, she still ate gracefully, and she didn't gobble it up.

It's just that the snacks in Jinling Tower are relatively dry, so she will inevitably choke. Fortunately, after drinking a sip of tea, she barely swallowed the food that felt stuck in her throat.

(End of this chapter)

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