The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1196 tied into a beautiful bow

Chapter 1196 tied into a beautiful bow

Seeing that she was feeling better, Liang Feimo couldn't help reminding: "Eat slowly, and no one will fight with you."

Rao Shixin pursed his lips, did not speak, but continued to eat.

For her ignorance, Liang Feimo's eyes only added a doting light.

Thus, Wen Xi, who was standing in front of the table, was surprised again!
Ms. Rao liked to ignore Mr. Liang, but Mr. Liang showed doting eyes.

Mr. Liang today has completely refreshed his understanding!

Just when he was thinking this way in his mind, suddenly, the man sitting on the sofa put down the teacup, and at the same time glanced at him, asking, "Where is the thing I asked you to buy?"

Hearing this, he only realized it, and hurriedly held up the other bag in his hand respectfully, "Mr. Liang, here it is."

Liang Feimo glanced at the bag, then raised his hand to take it, opened the bag and glanced at it.

In the next second, he turned his gaze to the girl beside him who was still enjoying the food.

Seeing that the girl was still holding the chopsticks and reaching out to continue eating snacks, he reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Unexpectedly, the man would suddenly grab her wrist, Rao Shixin raised her eyes slightly, and asked doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

Liang Feimo gave her the bag in his hand, "Try this."

"?" Rao Shixin frowned slightly, "What?"


Rao Shixin was a little confused, "Clothes?"

"Go change it." While speaking, Liang Feimo removed the chopsticks she was holding, then took a tissue and wiped her mouth.

Rao Shixin didn't expect that the things in the bag would be clothes. Rao Shixin couldn't react a little, until the whole bag was stuffed into her arms, and the words of the man made her have to believe that the things in the bag were indeed clothes. clothing.

Why did you suddenly stuff clothes for her?
However, after this idea flashed in her mind for a while, she figured it out.

Now she is wearing the clothes of the crew, if she goes out like this, it will definitely be neither fish nor fowl.

So, she temporarily put aside the food on the table, got up with the bag, and went to the rest room.

Liang Feimo watched her walk towards the rest room, followed by the opening and closing of the door, and then looked away.

Then, he glanced at Wen Xi who was still standing in front of the table, then leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, sitting lazily and elegantly, and said: "Clean up the things on the table, take go out."

Wen Xi took a bite, not quite understanding, "Mr. Liang, Ms. Rao just took a few bites, this"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was shot by the man's eyes, so in the next second, he stopped immediately, and quickly changed his words and nodded, "I'll clean it up right away."

After finishing speaking, he immediately started to put away the boxes of exquisite snacks on the table that had hardly been touched.

After cleaning up, he heard the man's order again, "Now you are off work."

When he heard that he was off work, his eyes lit up, and he nodded and bowed, "Yes, Mr. Liang."

Just like that, he took the packed food and left.

After he walked out of the office, he was a little puzzled why Mr. Liang asked him to clean up the food.

However, looking at the exquisite and expensive food in his hand that was basically intact, he decided to treat this as dinner tonight!
So, he left happily humming a song.


It was only after Rao Shixin opened the bag that the clothes were packed in a blue gift box.

The gift box is tied into a beautiful bow with pink ribbon.

(End of this chapter)

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