The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1208 Underestimated Rao Shichen's Poisonous Tongue

Chapter 1208 Underestimated Rao Shichen's Poisonous Tongue

Hearing this, Lou Jianian remembered the story between Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo that Rao Shichen told her before.

Recalling that when Rao Shixin was in the hospital, Liang Feimo accompanied and took care of her. She would not believe it if the two of them didn't have any thoughts about each other.

She didn't know why Rao Shixin wanted to hide his past with Liang Feimo!

Of course, since Rao Shixin wanted to hide it, she naturally pretended not to know.

Soon, the red light changed, so she started the engine without asking any more questions.

After a while, the car drove to Xiyuan.

After coming back, Rao Shixin said that he was tired, and went back to the bedroom directly.

Lou Jianian had worked all day today, and felt very tired, so he also went back to the bedroom, took a simple shower, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

The stars are shining tonight.

Emperor Bar.

A Continental parked at the door.

Liang Feimo's face was cold and paralyzed, "It's here." While speaking, he took off his safety belt.

In the back seat of the car, Rao Shichen opened his eyes. He was still taking a nap, but when he glanced out of the car window, he frowned slightly.

Liang Feimo opened the door and got out of the car, and walked into Emperor Zun.

Behind, Rao Shichen's hazel eyes flashed with deep thought.

At this moment, his mobile phone buzzed, and he took it out to see that it was a WeChat message from the four old dogs in the group.

Just click to open it, the news has reached 99+
Moreover, Gu Ze was the only one talking inside.

There were too many messages, and he quickly glanced down from the top one.

Gu Ze: Brothers, I'm in private room 208 of Emperor Zun, the wine has been ordered, come quickly.

Gu Ze: Speak up! @那时景@梁非梨@冷吉瑞

Gu Ze: Shit!

Gu Ze: Nobody?
Gu Ze: The cold dog has arrived, @肖时智@梁飞梨, have you arrived yet?

Gu Ze: Damn!come or not?

After scanning the messages simply and quickly, of course, many of the messages in the middle were skipped, so Rao Shichen turned off the phone screen and pushed the rear door of the car.

After getting out of the car, he slammed the car door, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and stepped into Emperor Zun.

All the way to the 208 private room.

The door was ajar, and Liang Feimo had just entered it not long ago.

After Rao Shichen directly raised his hand to push it away, he raised his eyes and saw a few dog men in the private room.

So, he stepped into the private room and closed the door.

Gu Ze twirled the wine glass and sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed to taste the wine. He didn't know what kind of cold joke he was talking to Leng Qirui.

He walked up to Rao Shichen with his long legs, "Rao Dog, I thought you couldn't come, what's wrong? Your wife doesn't care about you? You don't get freedom when you get married."

These words are a bit sour and tinged with sarcasm.

The dignified CEO, who is high-spirited outside, must be taken care of by his wife at home!
Gu Ze still remembered the last time Lou Jianian took Qiu Qingqing away, and Rao Shichen's behavior of forgetting his friends when he saw sex, that's why he spoke in a strange way.

However, Gu Ze underestimated Rao Shichen's poisonous tongue.

Rao Shichen said coldly and proudly: "It is better to have a wife to take care of me than to have no wife to take care of me. However, my wife has always cared about my physical and mental health and nothing else. If I have a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?"

Gu Ze: "."

show off!

Isn't it just marrying a nurse's wife, what's the big deal?

When Gu Ze felt unwilling, he soon thought of something he had heard recently.

As a result, some playfulness surfaced on his monstrous face, "Tsk, Rao Dog, I heard that your wife is now Lou's CEO?"

(End of this chapter)

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