The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1209 Gu Ze feels aggrieved!

Chapter 1209 Gu Ze feels aggrieved!

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you know a lot? If you have time to care about these things, why not think about finding a girlfriend, don't always be single, it looks so pitiful!"

"You!" Gu Ze was shocked, "Give me a dog, that's too much, I care about you, if you don't appreciate it, just call me a single dog."

"I'm just telling the truth. I've seen a lot of people who are obedient and obedient in the mall. As a brother, I don't want to be polite. You should thank me for my sincerity. Besides, you're not young anymore. Don't always be single, Mr. Gu will be unhappy. "

Gu Ze: "!!!"


Can't he just shut up?
How unlucky!

Rao Shichen's face was indifferent, "What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

"Yes, what you said is correct." Gu Ze gritted his teeth, "Stop talking, drink." After saying that, he stepped up and planned to leave.

Can't be provoked or can't hide?

Rao Shichen raised his brows slightly, seeing that he was about to walk away, his eyes flashed, and in the next second, he secretly stretched out a foot.

Poor Gu Ze didn't have any defenses at all. When he raised his leg and started to walk, something caught his foot, and he lost his center of gravity and threw himself forward.

Fortunately, there happened to be a sofa not far from him.

Although he threw himself into the sofa, his head still hit the corner of the sofa, causing a big bruise, and spilled all the wine in his hand.

Fortunately, the cup was held tightly in his hand.

"Fuck!" When Gu Ze came to his senses, he grinned in pain, "Forgive me, you're playing dirty."

After all, he is also a ruthless person in the mall, how could Gu Ze not know that the thing hooked by his feet just now is Rao Shichen's feet.

Rao Shichen pulled his lips coldly, "My wife, is it something you can say casually?"

Gu Ze: "!!!"

Because of dissatisfaction, Gu Ze stood up with his arms on the sofa, put the cup in his hand heavily on the table, and said, "Everyone comment, how can I just talk about her wife?"

On the other side of the sofa, Liang Feimo seemed to stay out of the matter, with a paralyzed face and a glass of wine in his hand, completely ignoring the matter between the two.

As for Leng Qirui who was sitting on the other sofa, he didn't bother to bother.He twirled the wine glass, shaking it slightly, with a deep expression on his face.

Gu Ze saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he knocked on the table, "Lenggou, talk!"

He knew Liang Feimo, and every time he came, he was like an ice cube, sitting there drinking all night, and didn't speak until he left.

Therefore, instead of looking for Liang Feimo, he looked for Leng Qirui.

Leng Qirui slightly raised his eyes staring at the wine glass, glanced at Gu Ze, and said indifferently, "You asked for it!"

These words almost made Gu Ze vomit blood.

Rao Shichen had a wanton sneer on his brows, followed him up to the sofa and sat down, took the wine from the table, took a sip, his expression was full of arrogance.

Gu Ze felt aggrieved!

However, he was well aware of Rao Shichen's black belly, so after thinking about it, he could only endure it.

Rao Shichen leaned back against the sofa, resting one hand on the armrest, twirling the wine glass, lazily and luxuriously.

On the side, Leng Qirui's amber eyes were as delicate as fine carvings in the fluorescent light.He shook the wine in the glass, rolled his eyelids, and glanced at Rao Shichen who was sitting on the sofa, "Looks in high spirits recently."

Rao Shichen raised his hand to loosen his tie and said, "With a wife, it's naturally different."

Hearing this, Leng Qirui let out a low and clear smile, "I see that you are very busy after you married your wife. I heard that the development site in Beicheng area is still idle. Why don't the two cooperate?"

Gu Ze sneered, "After talking for a long time, it turns out that it is going to be developed."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was shot by Leng Qirui's eyes, so he shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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