Chapter 1213 Mister Knows What?

Leng Qirui stared at the girl's disappearing figure towards the side door, with a dark look on his brows.

Soon, he walked to the car, opened the door and took the phone, and then went back upstairs.

In the children's room, on the bed, Leng Zimu who fell asleep looked very cute, not as cold as when he woke up.

Zhang Bo was still watching beside the bed.

When Leng Qirui walked to the bed, he realized that Uncle Zhang was dozing off.

Under a fluorescent light, Zhang Bo's hair can be seen to be getting whiter, after all, he is already old and his body is too weak.

Leng Qirui's voice sounded faintly, "Uncle Zhang."

Uncle Zhang, who was still dozing off, was startled and almost lost his balance and fell. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he grasped the bedside table beside him.

When he recovered, he said angrily, "I almost fell asleep. I'm sorry, sir. I'm so useless."

"Go and rest." Leng Qirui's voice was normal, without any intention of reproach, "I'll watch."

"This..." Uncle Zhang knew that the husband would definitely let him go if he continued, so he could only nod his head, and went to rest first.

However, when he just walked to the door, a voice came from behind him unexpectedly, "Wait."

So, he faltered, turned around again, and asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Leng Qirui's handsome face lacked the usual elite in the night, but was more gentle.Especially since he happened to be wearing a white tracksuit tonight.

Clean and refreshing, it made him even more handsome.

"Have Junjun and Mu Mu met?"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that Zhang Bo was surprised.

But soon, Uncle Zhang came to his senses again, and said: "Sir, madam, she and the young master haven't met yet."

In fact, Nalan Jun had already met Leng Zimu last time, but Zhang Bo thought that he could not tell Mr.

There was emotion in Leng Qirui's eyes, which was incomprehensible.Of course, due to the darkness, Uncle Zhang couldn't see the expression on his face either.

However, the more this happened, the more nervous Uncle Zhang became, so he could be heard saying again: "Sir, I assigned my wife to work in the kitchen."

"Kitchen?" Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, my wife helps out in the kitchen every day." Uncle Zhang found that he called his wife, but his husband did not object.

Therefore, Uncle Zhang was thinking, does this mean that the husband actually still has feelings for his wife?

Leng Qirui's mind flashed through the breakfast on the dining table during this period of time, followed by raising his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Is she here for Mumu?"

Uncle Zhang paused, surprised.

Did you find out sir?
"This..." Zhang Bo hesitated, not knowing how to answer.After thinking for a while, he said, "Sir, actually, my wife."

Leng Qirui waved his hand, "Needless to say, I understand, you go to rest."

Hearing this, Zhang Bo was a little worried.

What do you know sir?

However, he didn't dare to talk too much, so he could only leave first.

After leaving the children's room and returning to his own room, all his original sleepiness was gone, and his whole heart was worried.

Even though he didn't answer just now, the husband should already know that the wife came to Leng's house to work as a servant just for the sake of the young master.

Since his wife left that year, he has never seen the young master again.

Speaking of which, if those things hadn't happened back then, the wife wouldn't have divorced her husband, and she didn't even hesitate to give the young master to her husband.

The child who was born in October, how can my wife really let go of it.

(End of this chapter)

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