The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1214 Inexplicable Incompatibility

Chapter 1214 Inexplicable Incompatibility
He knew that this time his wife lowered her figure and came to Leng's family as a servant, not for the sake of the young master, but for whom?

Now, what he is worried about is that the husband will let the wife go!
I hope not.

Uncle Zhang was worried all night, but he didn't sleep well.

Meanwhile, in the children's room.

The little guy's fever has subsided, and his entire face has returned to normal, without the flushing that occurs when he has a fever.

Beside the bed, Leng Qirui watched over the little guy.He held the little guy's hand in his palm, with deep eyes and brows, as if he was thinking about other things.

In fact, it is true.

Zhang Bo's words just now still echoed in his ears.

It turned out that she prepared the breakfast he ate every morning.

Thinking of this, a touch of emotion rose in his chest.

As the night gradually deepened, the little guy breathed evenly, and the whole body was already normal.

It was almost dawn when Leng Qirui left the children's room.

This night, he basically didn't sleep at all. After returning to the master bedroom on the second floor, he lay down and closed his eyes to rest.

Of course, there was not much time to rest, because it was not long before dawn.

After dawn, he opened his eyes, got up, hit the sandbags for a while, and then went to the bathroom and took a shower when he was covered in sweat.

After taking a shower, he went into the cloakroom, and when he came out again, he had already put on a neat suit.

At this point, the kitchen.

In the huge space, three or five people were helping to prepare breakfast at the same time.

Nalan Jun is also among them.

Because she didn't sleep well last night, she lacked energy and yawned frequently.

Leng's servants all wore black uniforms.

Nalan was wearing a servant uniform, her hair was tied up, her pretty face, and her perfect figure made her look very dazzling among several servants.

At this moment, she is stirring the egg mixture with a mixer.

There is a long passage outside the kitchen, and then there is the dining room.

Uncle Zhang, who had just ordered the servants to arrange the dishes in the restaurant, walked to the kitchen with strides.

With his hands behind his back, he walked into the kitchen, and at a glance, he saw the girl in front of the glazed table making egg wash in an orderly manner.

Seeing the girl, he thought for a while, then walked forward and said, "Xiaojun."

In fact, every time he yelled like that, he felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart.

Nalan Jun raised his eyes and saw that it was Uncle Zhang, so he politely called out: "Uncle Zhang."

"What breakfast do you plan to prepare for the young master today?" Uncle Zhang asked casually.

Nalan Jun said with a smile: "I plan to prepare some new dishes for the young master that I have just researched, and the shapes will be cuter."

"Really? It's good, but" Zhang Bo paused, and finally said: "But young master is more suitable to eat light food today, let's cook some porridge."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun was puzzled, "Does the young master want some porridge?"

Uncle Zhang shook his head, "No, the young master had a fever last night."

"What?" Nalan Jun was in a hurry, worry clearly appeared on his brows, "Young Master Mu, he..."

Uncle Zhang hurriedly said: "The young master is fine now, the fever is gone, even in terms of diet, you should pay attention to it today."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Every morning, Leng Zimu's breakfast is basically prepared by her alone. Of course, it was requested by her and Zhang Bo.

Uncle Zhang looked at the prepared ingredients on the glass table, thought for a while and said, "Young master likes to eat seafood porridge."

"Seafood." Nalan Jun paused, with a touch of kindness on the corners of his eyes and brows, "It turns out he likes this, so I'll prepare it right now."

(End of this chapter)

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