The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1215 Only She Is the Most Dazzling

Chapter 1215 Only She Is the Most Dazzling
In order for the little guy to eat his favorite food, Nalan Jun immediately put aside the half-stirred egg liquid in his hands, and then took out some seafood ingredients from the refrigerator.

Because it is just right for a child to have a fever, and he can't eat too greasy food, it is very good to drink porridge, but he can't really just drink plain porridge.

After Nalan took out the ingredients, he began to clean up.

Uncle Zhang watched it for a long time before leaving.

It was already seven o'clock in the morning.

Soon, a slender figure appeared at the entrance of the restaurant.

I saw Leng Qirui wearing a high-tailored lead gray suit, a white shirt with light stripes, and a gray tie, exuding an imperial air as he walked.

Uncle Zhang saw the person coming, and immediately stepped forward, "Morning, sir."

While speaking, he pulled the main chair away.

Leng Qirui responded lightly, and then took his seat.

After taking his seat, he glanced at the sumptuous breakfast on the dining table.

There was a morning newspaper on the desk.

Today, for the first time, he didn't open the newspaper to read, but picked up the fork and ate breakfast slowly.

Uncle Zhang was still waiting at the side, thinking in his heart: Mr. Zhang seems to have a pretty good appetite today!

At the main seat, Leng Qirui finished his breakfast, and finally picked up the milk and drank it in one gulp.

This surprised Zhang Bo!

Sir even drank all the milk!
It seems that today Mr. has a really good appetite.

Leng Qirui got up after finishing his breakfast, but he didn't leave immediately. He glanced at the kitchen and asked, "Who will prepare Mumu's breakfast today?"

When Uncle Zhang heard this, his eyes flickered, "It's my wife who prepared it."

There are no servants in the restaurant now, so Zhang Bo dared to say that.

Leng Qirui thought for a while, and then said: "Go upstairs and see if Mu Mu is awake."

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang nodded, "Yes, sir, I'll go and have a look."

Just like that, Zhang Bo turned and left, and went upstairs to see the little guy.

Seeing Uncle Zhang leave, Leng Qirui's amber eyes flashed with deep thought, followed closely by walking towards the kitchen.

As soon as he approached the kitchen, he heard a sound coming from inside. It was the sound of porcelain bowls colliding.

Hearing the sound, Leng Qirui stopped in his footsteps, stood where he was, and slowly closed his palms.

After a while, he took a step and walked to the entrance of the kitchen.

Looking into the kitchen from the entrance, in front of the glazed table, the girl was wearing a black servant uniform, and she was fiddling with the ingredients in her hands with downcast eyes.

She has a straight figure, her profile looks the same as she did back then, her eyelashes are very long, her pair of peach blossom eyes are slender and delicate, and her lips are bright red.

In the huge kitchen, she is the only one who is the most dazzling.

Standing at the entrance, just staring at it for a while, Leng Qirui's eyes became deeper and deeper.

Not long after, he clenched his palms, turned around, and walked away.

Nalan Jun waved the ingredients in his hand, but somehow felt that there seemed to be someone at the entrance.

So, she looked up, and there was no one there.

After thinking about it, she thought it was an illusion, and then continued to make ingredients.

At the same time, Leng Qirui walked away from the lobby and down the steps.

In front of the steps, a car was parked.

Cai Xi had already been waiting beside the car respectfully.

Until Leng Qirui came to the car, Cai Xi immediately shouted respectfully: "Mr. Leng."

Then, he quickly opened the rear door of the car.

Leng Qirui sat in the car, leaned back against the seat, closed his eyes, and exuded hostility.

As soon as the car door was closed, Cai Xi walked around to the driver's seat and took a seat.

(End of this chapter)

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