The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1303 She Thinks She Can Do Something

Chapter 1303 She Thinks She Can Do Something
Xia Xi nestled on the sofa with a notebook on her lap.At her desk, the coffee was steaming hot.

The air conditioner is turned on to 24 degrees, which makes people feel very comfortable.

This apartment is under the name of Liang Feimo, and it is temporarily lent to Xia Xi to live in.

Of course, after Xia Xi moved in, Liang Feimo never visited.

At first, Xia Xi thought that Liang Feimo must be thinking about her because she was able to live in the apartment under her name, but it turned out that she was thinking too much.

If it wasn't for Liang Feimo's obviously too intimate behavior with Rao Shixin in the crew recently, otherwise she couldn't believe that Liang Feimo was hooked by Rao Shixin.

Every time she thought of Rao Shixin's alluring figure standing beside Liang Feimo, she would itch with hatred, wishing that Rao Shixin would die.

However, she knew that she was not a god, and not just a curse could really make Rao Shixin die, so, in order to tarnish Rao Shixin's reputation, she felt that she could do something.

Just now, the assistant Xiaowei called and said that she had taken some useful photos. As soon as she heard this, she immediately asked Xiaowei to send the photos.

Soon, Xiaowei had already sent the photo to her mailbox, so she clicked to take a look.

There are several photos, the first two are pictures of Rao Shixin driving into the apartment.

The four characters of Tanxuan Apartment were reflected in the photo, including Rao Shixin sitting in the car, which was very clear.

Obviously, Rao Shixin drove to this apartment, and the following photo shows Rao Shixin leaving the apartment.

Rao Shixin came out of the elevator, and after a while, another old man came out of the elevator.

The old man was gray-haired and was wearing pajamas. The next photo was a scene of Rao Shixin embracing the old man.

When these photos are connected, one immediately thinks of something.

Xia Xi's eyes lit up, she held the photo in her hand, and looked at it carefully.

She was sure that the person in this photo was Rao Shixin.

Unexpectedly, Rao Shixin went to meet the old man in the middle of the night.The old man was still wearing pajamas, so he knew what Rao Shixin and the old man had done at a glance.

At this moment, she was a little excited.

Finally got the evidence of Rao Shixin's disordered private life, great!
She was overwhelmed with excitement, at this moment, the phone rang, she quickly picked it up to see that it was the call from assistant Xiaowei, and then pressed the answer button.

"Sister Xia, are you satisfied with these photos?" Xiaowei's flattering voice came from the phone.

"This candid shot is very good, the picture is clear, and the captured points are very precise. Listen, I will transfer the money to you later, and you will transfer the money to him. Remember, let him keep his mouth shut, understand?" Xia Xi Very vigilant, for fear that the sneak photographer will reveal himself.

"Sister Xia, don't worry, I haven't disclosed your identity information to him at all, and every time I meet her, I just wear a mask, she doesn't know what I look like, this sum of money, I will definitely forward it to him, and he will definitely not talk nonsense, after all, he is in this business, if he talks nonsense, it will also affect his reputation, so you can rest assured."

Xia Xi stretched her eyebrows and said, "Since this is the case, that's good, let's stop talking and hang up first."

"Wait, Xia Xi, I have something else to tell you."

"what's up?"

"That's right. I heard that Mr. Liang's grandfather suddenly had a critical situation in the hospital today, and was sent to the emergency room for emergency treatment. He seemed to be rescued later."

(End of this chapter)

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