The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1304 Rao Shixin's behind-the-scenes funder!

Chapter 1304 Rao Shixin's behind-the-scenes funder!

Xia Xi frowned slightly, "Is this what happened today?"

"Yes, what I accidentally found out in the production team was that Mr. Liang's secretary received a phone call and was heard by passers-by, and the news spread in private."

Hearing this, Xia Xi thought for a while and said, "Okay, I see."

"Sister Xia, you have a scene to shoot tomorrow morning, so pay attention to rest early tonight." Xiaowei reminded her heartily on the phone.

"I remember. By the way, you can help me buy a basket of fruit or some supplements early tomorrow morning. I'm going to the hospital to see Mr. Liang."

"Okay, sister Xia, I know what to do."

"Xiao Wei, you have been with me for some time, as long as I get along well, I will benefit from you."

"Xia Xi, don't worry, I only have you in my heart now, and I feel very lucky to work with you."

Hearing this compliment, Xia Xi sneered, "Okay, I also know that you are reliable, so let's do this first, hang up."

The call ended there.

Xia Xi held the phone, looked at the screen that had just gone dark, thought about what Xiao Wei said just now, and then snorted coldly.

Next, she clicked on WeChat. In order to prevent being recorded by screenshots, she logged in to another WeChat account, and then transferred two accounts to Xiaowei.

The former account is the reward for the surreptitious photographer, and the latter account is for Xiaowei.

In less than a few seconds, the transferred money was immediately accepted by the other party.

The other party sent an emoticon package thanking the boss.

Seeing this emoji, Xia Xi couldn't help raising her eyebrows in disdain.

Next, she typed and sent a message, informing Xiaowei to ask the sneak photographer to anonymously send the photos to Weibo entertainment big V.

Thinking of the explosive entertainment news that will be on the hot search tomorrow, she couldn't help but feel happy, then raised her hand to pick up the coffee, and was about to take a sip, but thought of something, then put the coffee down, got up and went to the bar Cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine.

On such a happy day, she must have a sip.


Rao Shixin slept deeply and had a good dream.

However, a shocking insider news broke out on Weibo - Rao Shixin had a tryst with the old man in the middle of the night, which shows that his private life is extremely disorderly!
Because of this explosive news, netizens reposted and commented one after another in a short period of time, and it went straight to the hot search.

In the morning, Rao Shixin was woken up by a phone call urging him to death.

She was so sleepy, she squinted her eyes, stretched out her hands to search everywhere, finally found the phone, and then pressed the answer button, "Hello, who is it?"

"It's not good, Shi Xin, hurry up and check Weibo, you're on the trending list." Yang Hui's voice came through the phone, sounding very hurried.

"Oh, what's trending?" Rao Shixin fell into a drowsy sleep, and hadn't even realized how big a disturbance had been caused on the Internet.

Because Weibo big V broke the news about a few photos last night, netizens ran to Rao Shixin's Weibo to scold fiercely.

From the picture of Rao Shixin hugging an old man in pajamas at the elevator door, netizens guessed a lot.

For example, the reason why Rao Shixin was able to quickly gain a foothold in the entertainment industry was because of this old man's secret help. For example, Rao Shixin's ability to win awards was also secretly arranged by this old man.

In short, this old man is Rao Shixin's benefactor behind the scenes!
After some speculation, the netizens immediately decided that Rao Shixin was able to rise to the top position by relying on the financial supporter, so that he had a stable position in the showbiz.

(End of this chapter)

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