Chapter 1305 What can she do?
Yang Hui was going crazy, "My ancestor, you still ask me? A Weibo big V photographed you hugging an old man in the elevator of the apartment last night, because it was midnight, and netizens thought you were having a tryst with the old man , Said that your private life is indiscreet."

"What the hell?" Rao Shixin rubbed his eyes and said, "A tryst with the old man?"

"Anyway, I don't know what to say. Can't you be more careful when you do things? Although I believe you are not this kind of person, netizens don't believe it. That's all, let's not talk about it. I will hurry up to do public relations, wait Will be in touch."

Rao Shixin frowned, looked at the hung up phone, and finally clicked on Weibo to check it out.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after seeing it, she couldn't help but swear!
The trending searches on Weibo are impressively written - Rao Shixin's private life is indiscriminate and so on!

So, she clicked on it and looked at it, only to find that it was accompanied by a photo.

The photo was actually taken in Tanxuan Apartment, and it is not difficult to see from the picture that it was last night.

Last night, she was hugging her grandfather at the elevator door, but she didn't expect to be photographed.

Let her know who the sneak shot is, she must kill him!
Because of these few photos, netizens scolded her under her Weibo, and even sent private messages a lot.

【sky!I can't believe you are such a person! 】

[Spicy eyes, can you accept it at such an age?Can it be any more disgusting? 】

【I go!I couldn't help cursing after I didn't sleep in the middle of the night and came across such an explosive news! 】

[Suddenly understand why you can be such a dick in the showbiz. 】

[Get out of the showbiz! 】

After brushing down continuously, there was a lot of scolding, and there were continuous new comments.

Rao Shixin felt like she was about to explode!

Is there a mistake?These netizens just rely on a few photos and conclude that her private life is indiscreet?
At this moment, she was annoyed by the stupid IQ of the netizens.

Seeing that there were still scolding voices at the bottom of the Weibo, she simply stopped reading it, so as not to get angry and have a heart attack if she continued to read it.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Yang Hui again.

During the phone call, Yang Hui asked her to go to the company immediately. It is said that the boss wanted her to explain the details of the matter in person.

There is no way, the boss wants to see her, even though she is the company's money-absorbing entertainer, she still hastily got up, packed up and drove to the company.

All the way to the maximum speed.

Peak company.

After Rao Shixin drove the car into the underground garage, just as the elevator door opened not far away, Yang Hui appeared and walked towards him.

After getting off the car, Rao Shixin's face was radiant, without any worry in his expression.

Even though she has been on the top of the hot search and scolded by the whole people, she still knows that the matter will always be perfectly resolved in the end, because she believes in one truth, that is, the clean is cleared.

Yang Hui was obviously very anxious, "Shi Xin, Mr. Zhang has spoken, saying that if there is no way to explain this matter, you may have to be sacrificed."

The meaning is obvious, the matter cannot be resolved, for the sake of the company's future, the boss can only give up the artist Rao Shixin.

And once it is given up, it means that all previous efforts are in vain, and even after leaving the company, it is very difficult to continue to develop in the entertainment industry.

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows calmly and said, "Don't worry, this matter can be resolved."

The old man in the photo is her grandfather. Isn't it normal for a granddaughter to hug her grandfather?

It's a pity that netizens insist on being led astray by the whistleblower, so what can she do?
(End of this chapter)

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