The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1306 Relying on working hard step by step

Chapter 1306 Relying on working hard step by step
Yang Hui raised his hand to his forehead, "You can pull it down! Tell me first, who is that old man in the photo? And why is he wearing pajamas? Then why do you go to meet him at night?"

"What if I say, that's my grandfather?" Rao Shixin walked towards the elevator.

Yang Hui: "."

Soon, the two took the elevator to the president's office together.

Dingsheng Entertainment Economic Company is the largest film and television company in China.

Zhang Lan is the president of the company, a middle-aged lady who is single all year round and is a person who is desperate for her career.

The office is brightly colored, whether it is decoration, furnishings, or office desks, etc., it is all in a fashionable style.

When Rao Shixin and Yang Hui pushed open the office door, Zhang Lan was sitting on the office chair with her hands folded in front of the desk, obviously waiting for them.

After entering, Rao Shixin and Yang Hui shouted together: "Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Lan has neat short hair, a white suit on her body, and a string of metal necklaces around her neck. Her skin is well maintained and there are no wrinkles.

She is already in her forties, and it is thanks to her constant exercise and skin care that she looks younger than her peers.

As the president, she attaches great importance to the benefits artists bring to the company.

Right now, as the company's most prestigious first-line female star, Rao Shixin is on the hot searches and has been scolded by the whole network, so she naturally wants to find out for herself.

"Shi Xin, Yang Hui, sit down, I believe you all know why I am looking for you?" While Zhang Lan was talking, she only looked at Rao Shixin, and said, "You must have read about the hot searched things this morning. Arrived, last night a whistleblower said that Shi Xin hugged an old man in pajamas in a certain apartment, I want to hear what you have to say about this matter first."

In fact, Zhang Lan still believed in Rao Shixin.

Although the news that broke out on the Internet has sufficient evidence, and judging from the photos, it is true that Rao Shixin seems to be indiscreet in his private life. After all, who would go to the apartment at night and then have sex with Bai Hugging the gray-haired old man seemed a bit weird. Of course, it was because of the weirdness that people had to suspect the relationship between Rao Shixin and the old man.

Rao Shixin looked calm, and said: "Mr. Zhang, I am very grateful that you chose to listen to my statement at the first time. It is like this. As reported on the Internet, I did go to Tanxuan Apartment last night."

Hearing this, Zhang Lan was stunned for a moment, obviously a little surprised that Rao Shixin would directly admit that she went to that apartment last night.

Yang Hui's heart skipped a beat, feeling that there was no way to explain this matter perfectly.

In her opinion, no matter whether Rao Shixin went to the apartment or not last night, she should immediately deny it.

As a gold agent, Yang Hui has managed many artists, and among them Rao Shixin is the one she is most proud of.

Rao Shixin is a girl who works extremely hard and is very talented in acting.

Back then, the biggest reason why she picked Rao Shixin was that Rao Shixin was able to endure hardship.

In the entertainment industry, there are many people who sell their bodies or take shortcuts in other ways in order to become famous.

But Rao Shixin has never been like this. From the beginning of entering the showbiz, the reason why Rao Shixin was able to get to where she is today is because of her hard work step by step.

Therefore, when the Internet broke the news that Rao Shixin's private life was indiscreet, and even scolded Rao Shixin for doing unethical things for the sake of popularity, such as taking shortcuts and having some kind of relationship with the old man who was the patron, Yang Hui was fundamentally I don't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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