The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1307 The blood-related grandfather

Chapter 1307 The blood-related grandfather
However, Yang Hui knows that netizens may not believe it.After breaking the news in the middle of the night last night, Rao Shixin was trending on the top of the search within a few hours, and was also scolded by the entire Internet.

There is no doubt that the netizens have been led astray by the whistleblower, and Rao Shixin was directly "criminalized".

It's just that, how can netizens question, as long as Rao Shixin doesn't admit it, it's fine, but in the end, Rao Shixin actually admitted that she did go to the apartment last night.

This is thanks to the fact that the company said it when facing the boss. If he said the same thing in front of the camera, Rao Shixin's acting career would come to an end.

In order to save what Rao Shixin said, Yang Hui quickly added: "No, Shi Xin, if you went to that apartment last night, what about Mr. Liang? As far as I know, you should have been with Mr. Mr. Liang is right to be together."

"Mr. Liang?" Zhang Lan frowned slightly, "Which Mr. Liang is it?"

Yang Hui immediately said, "It's Mr. Liang Feimo Liang of Liang's Jewelry Group."

Hearing this, Zhang Lan was surprised, "He?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, you may not know that Mr. Liang is very optimistic about Shi Xin's acting skills. Otherwise, why would Mr. Liang invest 5000 million in the crew of "Zhaoyang Tianxia"?"

Zhang Lan was surprised, "So Mr. Liang invested so much money in the crew because of Shi Xin?"

"That's right, that's it."

There are two reasons why Yang Hui said this. One is to let Zhang Lan know that there is a big brother Liang Feimo who appreciates Rao Shixin's acting skills, and the other is to let Zhang Lan know that Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo have an extraordinary relationship. After all, being able to invest so much money for Rao Shixin is enough to prove that Liang Feimo's love for Rao Shixin is extraordinary.

It is undeniable that Yang Hui's words did cause Zhang Lan to misunderstand.

However, at this moment, Rao Shixin broke Yang Hui's statement, "It's nothing, Mr. Zhang, don't misunderstand."

"Huh? Misunderstanding?" Zhang Lan was puzzled again.

Yang Huisheng was afraid that Rao Shixin would say something, so he quickly raised his hand to cover Rao Shixin's mouth, "There is no misunderstanding, Shi Xin always speaks indistinctly, oh yes, she just wanted to say, The photo that was taken in the apartment last night was actually a misunderstanding."

Zhang Lan raised her eyebrows, glanced back and forth between Yang Hui and Rao Shixin, then her face darkened, and said, "What's going on? I want you to tell the truth, otherwise you two will never be here again." My company is messed up!"

Maybe she was really angry, Zhang Lan even slapped the table angrily after finishing her last sentence.

Yang Hui and Rao Shixin were stunned at the same time.

In the end, Rao Shixin's reaction was faster.She took the opportunity to remove Yang Hui's hand, and quickly said: "Mr. Zhang, for me, I have nothing to do with Liang Feimo. As for the photo taken last night, it is true, but it is because I missed my grandpa, so I went to the apartment to visit my grandpa, the person in the photo is my blood-blooded grandpa."

Zhang Lan didn't believe it, "Your grandfather?"

"Yes, that's really my grandfather." Rao Shixin nodded.

"But just now, netizens have revealed that the pajamas worn by the old man in the photo have a logo logo. It is said that those who can buy pajamas with this logo logo are usually of high status. Shi Xin, I don't want you to say goodbye I have something to hide, understand?"

The meaning of this is obvious, that is, don't try to lie, otherwise the consequences will be more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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