The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1308 Rao Shixin said too much

Chapter 1308 Rao Shixin Talks Too Much

Rao Shixin raised four fingers, "I swear, the person in the photo is really my grandfather."

Zhang Lan thought for a while, then asked: "Okay, then I want to know, who is your grandfather? I remember that you have never disclosed some information about your family since you joined my company. Now I want to Make it clear."

"Since Mr. Zhang wants to know, then I have no choice but to say it." Rao Shixin sighed softly, "Actually, my grandfather is the former leader of the Rao Group, and now the Rao Group is under the management of my brother. As for my Parents are long gone."

In a few simple words, she just revealed that she is the younger sister of the president of the Rao Group. As for the fact that she is the princess of country A, she chose to conceal it.

Zhang Lan couldn't believe it, "You mean, Rao Shichen, the president of the Rao Group, is your brother?"

"Yes, I promise I'm not lying. I'm really the Rao from the Rao Group that everyone knows." Rao Shixin's tone was firm, without blinking his eyes.

Zhang Lan was really shocked.It was at this time that she realized that Rao Shixin's surname was also Rao.

It had to be said that she herself felt that Rao Shixin was not lying.

However, the younger sister, who is the president of Rao's Group, actually lurks in her company, and even becomes a black and red entertainer scolded by netizens.

Yang Hui was also shocked!
Rao Shixin is from the Rao family?
Why does she feel that this is a bit outrageous?

It was probably because Rao Shixin was always in a hurry on weekdays, and she often spoke without going through her brain, so she subconsciously thought that Rao Shixin was talking nonsense.

However, when her mind flashed past, Rao Shixin sold the house and took one billion yuan to pay Liang's liquidated damages. In addition, Rao Shixin always said that he was a rich second generation, including the one who was downstairs just now. At that time, Rao Shixin also said that the person in the photo was her grandfather.

So, is it possible that Rao Shixin is really the younger sister of that awesome CEO of the Rao Group?
Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, "Anyway, what I said is true. These netizens concluded that I am that kind of person based on a few photos, and I am convinced. As for the person who broke the news, I must let him do it for me. Pay a heavy price for discrediting me for the first time!"

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Zhang Lan interrupted Rao Shixin by raising her hand.

Rao Shixin snorted and said, "I'm going to hold a press conference, explain that photo clearly, and then call the police. I'm going to send that whistleblower to jail and eat a cell."

On the side, Yang Hui was stunned for a moment, and asked: "If you hold a press conference, then you must have enough evidence to prove that you are a member of Rao's Group, and the one in the photo is your grandfather."

"Don't worry, I asked my grandfather and brother to help me explain the matter clearly. As long as my grandfather and brother show up, I believe this matter will be perfectly explained."

A distance away from a desk, Zhang Lan hesitated, "Why don't you call your grandpa and brother now and see what they say?" "

Rao Shixin waved his hand, "There's no need to make a phone call, of course it's okay, I believe they will definitely agree to help me clarify, if my family doesn't help, is that reasonable?"

Zhang Lan and Yang Hui felt the same way.

As everyone knows, Rao Shixin talked too much.

Rao Group.

Inside the black and white office.

Rao Shichen received a news feed and clicked on it when he saw the familiar words on it.

As a result, upon seeing this, he instantly frowned slightly.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and when he saw the call, his eyes lit up, and then he pressed the answer button, "Miss me?"

"Did you read the hot search? Shi Xin was misunderstood by netizens." Lou Jianian's anxious voice came from the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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