Chapter 1309
Lou's Group.

In the brightly lit CEO's office, Lou Jianian was sitting on a leather chair with an obvious worried look on his face.

Just now, she saw a hot search about Rao Shixin on Weibo.

Since it was a hot search, she naturally wanted to click in to see it. After seeing it, she instantly felt anxious for Rao Shixin.

Unexpectedly, when Rao Shixin went to see his grandfather in Tanxuan Apartment last night, he was secretly photographed and posted on Weibo. The person who posted the Weibo even used Rao Shixin's midnight tryst with the old man as the title.

This revelation simply made her feel angry!
People nowadays are completely indiscriminate, convicting people based on just a few photos and captions.

Looking at the netizens who scolded Rao Shixin on Weibo, she wished she could clarify for Rao Shixin.

No, because she was anxious and angry, so she called Rao Shichen.

"I've seen that trending thread." Rao Shichen's magnetic and mellow voice came over the phone, so nice that it almost made your ears pregnant.

Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows, "Should we do something? Shi Xin has been hacked a bit too much this time, and netizens have scolded Shi Xin like this without knowing the truth, it's too much."

On the other end of the phone, Rao Shichen leaned back on the seat and tapped his fingers on the table, "Shixin himself chooses to act. If he walks this path, he will inevitably bear all possible consequences."

"Huh?" Lou Jianian felt that the words seemed to have other meanings, "So, this time, Shi Xin has been trending on the top, what do you think should be done?"

"Don't care about her."

Lou Jianian frowned, "Whatever?"

"Her company, including her manager's public relations team, will find a solution for her, so we don't need to worry about it." Rao Shichen's tone was light, as if he was talking about the weather.

Lou Jianian felt a little inappropriate, "Do you really care? But Shi Xin"

"She is not young anymore. At 25 years old, she is obviously older than you but not as stable as you. This time, she just taught her a lesson and let her understand that if you want to be in the entertainment industry, you must be able to deal with all emergencies. Instead of just finding ways to ask family members for help after an accident.”

Lou Jianian thought about it, and felt that what Rao Shichen said seemed quite reasonable.

However, thinking of really letting go and letting Rao Shixin face it, she couldn't bear it no matter what.

So, she sighed softly and said, "Then let me make a phone call to comfort Shi Xin, let's stop talking."


The phone hangs up.

Rao Shichen couldn't help frowning when he heard the sound of disconnection over there.

the other side.

Tanxuan Apartment.

Rao Yanzhong put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table, "What nonsense are these netizens talking about? They actually imagined that Shi Xin and I have that kind of relationship, I'm so mad!"

He is the most famous leader of the Rao family in the last century. He never imagined that in his old age, he would be so confused and speculated by netizens, and he would be so embarrassing.

Chen Yuhui also saw the hot search, and comforted her: "Don't be angry, the truth will always be revealed to the public in the end."

"I want to know now, what is the situation with Shixin Company now? How do they plan to solve this matter? Anyway, if there is no solution to this matter, then I will come forward to clarify it myself." Rao Yanzhong took a deep breath He took a deep breath, picked up the teacup again, and poured it down in one breath, only then slightly extinguished the ignition.

Chen Yuhui knew that Rao Yanzhong was upset, so she picked up the teapot and refilled his cup with tea, "Let's listen to the plan of Shixin Company first, don't worry, there is always a way to deal with everything, come on, have another sip of tea , let’s stop looking at hot searches.”

With that said, she took the phone away.

(End of this chapter)

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