The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1310 I Didn't Expect a Surprise

Chapter 1310 I Didn't Expect a Surprise

Rao Yanzhong raised his hand and followed his heart, then picked up the teacup and drank it one after another.

After drinking two cups of tea, he eased his mood.

at the same time.


A white car stopped at the door.

The car door opened, and Xia Xi walked into the hospital lobby wearing sunglasses and a mask.

Behind her was the assistant Xiaowei who was holding a fruit basket and supplements in both hands.

Xia Xi saw today's hot search.

I didn't expect the power of netizens to be so powerful, but in just half a day, Rao Shixin was boycotted by the whole network.

But what surprised her the most was that Rao Shixin hadn't expressed his opinion at all since being on the hot search.

This is strange!

Usually when this kind of thing happens, which artist doesn't immediately think of defending, but Rao Shixin doesn't make any movement at all.

Could it be that Rao Shixin is guilty?
Xia Xi thought about it and thought it might be so!

Step into the lobby all the way, take the elevator, and come to the floor where you are.

Xia Xi asked Xiaowei to give herself the fruit basket and supplements in her hand, and then asked Xiaowei to wait outside the corridor.

Just like that, she carried two big bags and walked towards the VIP ward.

As soon as she approached, she heard the movement from inside through the concealed door. Her steps froze, as if she heard a familiar voice inside, it was Liang Feimo!

In an instant, her eyes lit up, probably because she didn't expect that Liang Feimo would come to the hospital early in the morning, so she hurriedly put the fruit basket and supplements aside, took out the cosmetic box from her bag, and started to go to the hospital. face painted.

In fact, she had already put on makeup when she came out in the morning, but the makeup was a little simple. After all, she just planned to come to the hospital to see Mr. Liang and express her concern.

After learning about Mr. Liang last night, she called Mrs. Liang.

On the phone, she expressed her greetings to Mr. Liang, and Mrs. Liang praised her for her heart.

So in the morning, after she woke up, she immediately planned to go to the hospital. Just before she went out, Mrs. Liang called her to report her safety, saying that Mr. Liang had woken up.

No, as soon as she arrived at the hospital, she immediately went to the ward.

When I came to the ward, I didn't expect a surprise, that is, Liang Feimo also came early in the morning.

After reapplying her makeup, she quickly put away her makeup bag, and carrying a fruit basket and supplements, she knocked on the door and pushed it away.

As the door was pushed open, in the ward, Mr. Liang looked quite good on the bed, sitting and talking to Mrs. Liang.

Mrs. Liang was sitting on a chair in front of the bed, peeling an apple with a fruit knife in her hand.

As for the side, Liang Feimo was standing there with one hand in his trouser pocket.

Maybe they heard the sound, and the three of them turned their eyes at the same time.

When Xia Xi walked in, she caught Liang Feimo at a glance.

He was standing there, with a tall body, a black suit and a white shirt, and even though his face was cold, he was still handsome and charming, which made her heart beat faster.

Soon, she stabilized her heartbeat, and called out sweetly: "Grandpa Liang, Auntie, Brother Fei Mo, so you are all here."

On the hospital bed, Mr. Liang let out a sigh, "It's Xia Xi."

Mrs. Liang got up and said with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"Sorry, because I was too busy filming yesterday, I didn't find out about Grandpa Liang until last night. Auntie, am I late?" Xia Xi expressed guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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