Chapter 1313 Is this easy?
Xia Xi was very glad that she had found someone to follow Rao Shixin this time, and was able to take these photos.

It's no wonder that Rao Shixin has no identity background, but he is able to enjoy himself in the showbiz circle like a fish in water. After a long time, it turns out that he got the favor because he hooked up with the financial master in private.

She thought that her acting skills were not inferior to Rao Shixin's, but she never thought that Princess Qingluo in "The World of Zhaoyang" was snatched away by Rao Shixin. Fair her.

I believe that after this hot search, Rao Shixin's reputation will definitely drop. Now that "Zhaoyang Tianxia" has released the actors, it must be impossible for Shen Qinghuan to replace Rao Shixin, but it doesn't matter, anyway, Princess Qingluo This role will be Rao Shixin's last chance in acting career.

In the future, no one would dare to invite Rao Shixin to play the leading role.

Thinking of these, she couldn't help feeling more and more excited.

Of course, no matter how excited she was, she didn't show it on her face.

Knowing that Liang's family likes Rao Shixin very much, she can only show a regretful expression, saying: "Rao Shixin has always been my role model in the entertainment industry, and I feel very sorry for her when this happened. Sad, although I believe she is definitely not that kind of person, but netizens always only believe what they see, I think it will be very difficult for Rao Shixin to receive dramas again."

When Mr. Liang heard this, his whole body turned bad instantly, "How can this work? Shi Xin's acting skills are so good, if I can no longer make movies, then I will never be able to follow her TV series anymore."

On the side, Mrs. Liang comforted her: "Dad, don't get excited. This matter must be caused by a misunderstanding. Shi Xin definitely has a way to solve it smoothly, don't worry."

Xia Xi snorted coldly in her heart.Successfully resolved?Is this easy?
You know, if an actor is boycotted by the whole network, then no director will dare to invite this actor to participate in his TV series in the future.

And once all opportunities for filming are lost, it means that endorsements and advertisements will also be lost.

Rao Shixin's path in the entertainment industry will only be bumpy in the future.

Seeing that Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang liked Rao Shixin so much, Xia Xi felt jealous.

But, she knew that as long as Rao Shixin couldn't make movies anymore, Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang couldn't chase stars anymore.

Talented people come out in large numbers in the entertainment industry, and Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang will only watch her movies. In this way, she can successfully occupy Rao Shixin's position in the hearts of Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and Xia Xi felt that her future was bright.

"I'll settle this matter." At this moment, a man's familiar, cold and firm voice suddenly came from the side.

Xia Xi was taken aback, as if she thought she heard it wrong, "Brother Fei Mo, you"

However, Liang Feimo didn't look at her at all. What Liang Feimo said just now was to Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang.

I saw his palms closed, and his dark eyes were burning with imperceptible emotions, and he continued: "Grandpa, you rest at ease and recuperate, and I will let Shi Xin always have scenes to film."

Mr. Liang was a little surprised by what he heard, "Feimo, you want to solve this matter yourself?"

"That's right, leave it to me, it's getting late, I'll go back to the company first." Liang Feimo and Mr. Liang told him a few words, and explained to Mrs. Liang before turning around and leaving.

During the whole process, he ignored Xia Xi who was beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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