The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1314 Eyes flushed with jealousy

Chapter 1314 Eyes flushed with jealousy

Xia Xi was dumbfounded.When she heard Liang Feimo say that she wanted to solve Rao Shixin's hot search, many emotions surged in her heart.

There is unwillingness, jealousy, and complexity.

Rao Shixin's tryst with a gray-haired old man at night is enough to prove how messed up Rao Shixin's private life is, but why Liang Feimo didn't respond at all, but decided to intervene in this matter himself to help Rao Shixin solve it .

She really didn't understand what Liang Feimo was thinking?

Maybe it was because she lost control of her emotions. When she saw Liang Feimo leave, she said goodbye to Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang, and then left the ward.

In the corridor, at this moment, Liang Feimo just stepped into the elevator. She saw it, so she trotted after her.

Liang Feimo entered the car, and she immediately followed, "Brother Feimo!"

The elevator door closed.

In the entire space, there were only Liang Feimo and Xia Xi.

Liang Feimo looked cold, staring at the number of words going down the elevator, ignoring the person in front of him at all.

Being ignored, Xia Xi felt unwilling, gritted her teeth, and then stabilized her emotions, and said: "This time Rao Shixin is on the hot search, I am afraid it will be difficult to solve the matter, and netizens are very resistant to Rao Shixin. People are scolding her, Brother Fei Mo, I think it's better for you not to go into this muddy water at this juncture, after all"

She was only halfway through her words when suddenly a pair of dark eyes shot at her.

At that moment, she paused, her throat seemed to be stuck by something, and she couldn't speak a word.

The temperature in the elevator is dropping.

I have to admit that Liang Feimo has a handsome face, but he is also really cold.

The coldness he exuded was the kind that would make one's limbs shiver.

Facing the man's sharp eyes, Xia Xi didn't dare to move her body, she finally moved her lips, and finally found her voice.She could only hear her saying: "What? What's the matter? It's not Brother Mo."

Liang Feimo poured out his thin lips, as if with frost in his mouth, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Hearing this, Xia Xi trembled, "No, no, brother Fei Mo, I didn't mean that, I just think that Rao Shixin's matter has attracted too many people's attention, I just don't want you to be affected because of her , I'm just for you."


Just then, the elevator reached the first floor.

Liang Feimo glanced at the parting elevator door, then raised his hand to straighten his collar, and at the same time he walked away with his long legs, he said mercilessly and cruelly, "I am willing for her, you don't meddle in your own business, or get out of here." Get out of the entertainment industry."

After finishing speaking, his figure happened to step out of the car.

Behind him, Xia Xi's face turned from blue to white, and then from white to blue.

It wasn't until the elevator door closed again that she collapsed powerlessly.

However, when Liang Feimo's words just now echoed in her mind again, her eyes turned red with jealousy.

What method did Rao Shixin, a vixen, use to make Liang Feimo so obsessed? !
The elevator went up again, and when the door opened, the assistant Xiaowei appeared.

"Sister Xia, are you okay?" Xiaowei saw Liang Feimo and Xia Xi entering the elevator one after the other when she was in the corridor just now. A chance to be alone.

She thought about taking the elevator down by herself, but she didn't expect to press the elevator button for a while, the elevator door opened, and what she saw inside was Xia Xi who was limp on the ground. In an instant, she was surprised and hurried into the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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