The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1315 His Eyes Are Wrapped With Killing Intent

Chapter 1315 His Eyes Are Wrapped With Killing Intent

Seeing Xiaowei appear, Xia Xi forcibly suppressed the jealousy in her heart.With Xiaowei's help, she supported herself and stood up, but her eyes were cold.

In the next second, she ordered: "Hire the navy to play the rhythm under Rao Shixin's Weibo, I want them to scold Rao Shixin to death, as ugly as it sounds, in short, I want everyone Everyone knows that Rao Shixin is a bitch!"

The door of the hospital.

Liang Feimo stepped down the steps and walked towards a Continental car parked not far away.

At this moment, the car door opened, and Wen Xin got off the passenger seat, walked around to the back of the car and opened the door respectfully.

Liang Feimo stooped into the car, and after taking a seat, he leaned back against the seat, his face paralyzed.

Wen Xi entered the driver's seat and was about to start the car when Liang Feimo's voice suddenly came from behind him, "Send someone to investigate right away. Who is the person who broke the news about Rao Shixin? I want all his information."

When he said this, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Wen Xi nodded, "Yes, Mr. Liang, I will send someone to investigate today."

Wen Xie also knew about Rao Shixin's hot search.

He carefully read that hot search item several times, only to feel that it was all nonsense!

Meanwhile, in the ward.

Mr. Liang took his mobile phone, found the hot search, and stared at the photo carefully.

On the side, Mrs. Liang had just peeled an apple, cut it into a small piece with a fruit knife, then picked up the small piece of apple with a fork, and handed it to Mr. Liang, "Dad, let's eat some fruit."

Mr. Liang waved his hand, "Don't eat, you take it away, don't bother me."

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang raised her eyebrows, and glanced at the mobile phone that Mr. Liang was holding in his hand. When she saw the trending search on the screen, she couldn't help comforting: "Okay, Dad, there is always something wrong with this matter." If you can find a way to solve it, don’t read it anymore, Feimo has already said that, he will go back to solve this matter, by the way, speaking of Feimo, I have a happy event and forgot to tell you.”

"Happy event?" Mr. Liang finally raised his eyes from the phone, "What happy event?"

"You can't guess that that brat Feimo and Shi Xin have made progress." When Mrs. Liang said this, her face was full of excitement.

"What? There's progress? You mean, Fei Mo and Shi Xin are dating?" Old Mr. Liang obviously couldn't believe it.

"I guess it's almost time to fall in love."

"Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"How dare my daughter-in-law lie to you? Xia Xi also revealed this to me before."

"Oh, it seems that my grandson is enlightened."

"That's right. Shi Xin Renmei has a good figure and great acting skills. If that kid Fei Mo really doesn't have any ideas, my mother will doubt his orientation."

Mr. Liang's eyes were brightened, "It seems that our Liang family will have a happy event soon."

"Happy event? This is too soon, Dad, Fei Mo is a cold-faced person, and he doesn't know when he will be able to deal with Shi Xin. Besides, Shi Xin is so good, there must be many suitors around him, so I will I'm afraid that Shi Xin will be chased away by other suitors before Feimo can marry her."

"That's impossible! Shi Xin is the granddaughter-in-law I want, no one can chase her away, except my grandson, by the way, I know old man Rao, I'll wait, old man Rao!" Mr. Liang seemed to think What, suddenly patted his forehead, "Oh, I think I remembered who it was."

Mrs. Liang looked confused, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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