Chapter 1317 Who is that old man?
Liang Group.

Inside the President's Office.

Liang Feimo was sitting on the chair, watching the people on the Internet insulting Rao Shixin with vulgar language, he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the mouse.

His dark eyes were cold, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

The next second, he raised his hand and pressed the landline, "Come in."

Soon, the door was pushed open, and Wen Salamander came in.

Walking to the desk, Wen Xin could feel the icy breath emanating from the man.

"Mr. Liang, what are your orders?"

Leaning back against the seat, Liang Feimo tapped the table with his fingers, slightly parted his thin lips, and said coldly: "Take screenshots of all those who insult Rao Shixin on the Internet, and I want them to know the consequences of insulting people."

"Yes." Wen Xi knew that Mr. Liang was really angry.

These netizens really don't know the truth of the matter at all, and then they start to spray people indiscriminately, take screenshots, and when the truth of the incident comes to light, they will have to pay the price for their words and deeds.

"Also, let "Zhaoyang Crew" release the official Weibo to refute rumors for Rao Shixin."

Hearing this, Wen Xi was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Got it, Mr. Liang."

Ms. Rao's incident happened, and Dingsheng Company didn't make a sound. Unexpectedly, Mr. Liang used his status as an investor in the crew of "Zhaoyang Tianxia" to ask the crew's official Weibo to refute the rumors for Ms. Rao.

It seems that Mr. Liang is going to protect him this time.

the other side.

After the producer of "Zhaoyang Tianxia" received the news, they had to ask people to post on Weibo to refute the rumors.

Although, the producer also thought it was a bit risky to refute the rumors, but Liang shi explained that Liang shi would bear any consequences.

5 minute later.

[Zhaoyang Tianxia Official V: Regarding Rao Shixin's hot search, here our crew would like to advise all netizens to stay rational and don't insult people on the Internet without knowing the truth of the matter. You must know , Even the Internet is not a place where everyone can speak freely, please give Rao Shixin some respect, the last sentence, do you know the truth of the matter? 】

As soon as Weibo came out, netizens expressed their opinions one after another.

[It's strange that Rao himself didn't come forward to respond, but the crew came out to refute the rumors. As far as I know, the company Rao works for is Dingsheng, right? ! 】

[Upstairs, you said what I wanted to say, and I also think this Weibo post is a bit inexplicable. 】

[Don't know?This is the benefactor behind Rao's scenes helping Rao clean up! 】

[Aren't you too ridiculous?Who did Rao Shixin provoke?To attack Rao Shixin personally without knowing the truth of the matter, I feel that you really need to be rational. 】

[Am I the only one who wants to know, who is the person who took the photo? 】

[Me too, the person who took the photo shouldn't be the whistleblower, right?To catch the heat? 】

One comment after another.

Xia Xi didn't expect that the crew would come forward to refute the rumors for Rao Shixin.

Fortunately, she hired a sailor, not to mention the crew, even if Dingsheng came out to refute the rumors, it would be useless.

In this matter, netizens have already decided that Rao Shixin's private life is indiscreet, unless Rao Shixin can come out and explain clearly, who is the old man who went to the apartment to meet that night?
However, in her opinion, Rao Shixin would definitely not dare to come out and explain, because that old man is really the benefactor behind Rao Shixin.

(End of this chapter)

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