The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1318 Shen Qinghuan Likes From The Heart

Chapter 1318 Shen Qinghuan Likes From The Heart

In the past few years, Rao Shixin's success in the showbiz has not been due to indecent means. It's just that the old man in the photo looks so old that he can already be Rao Shixin's grandfather. Didn't expect Rao Shixin to accept it?

You really can't be too cheap!

The car drove all the way to the set.

"Sister Xia, we're here." Assistant Xiaowei reminded her.

Xia Xi glanced out the car window, only to realize that she had arrived at the set.

She pinched off her cell phone and got out of the car.

Unexpectedly, just as she got out of the car, a nanny car drove up and stopped not far from her.

The car door opened, and the girl got out of the car with long legs. She was wearing short-sleeved hot pants, her long hair was rolled up, and her glamorous face looked more delicate in the sun.

As the girl got off the car, the manager and assistant also got off together.

Xia Xi's eyebrows flashed in thought.She thought that after the hot search incident, Rao Shixin would not come to the set, but she didn't expect that Rao Shixin would dare to come?

Moreover, she found that Rao Shixin's expression was very calm, as if he was not affected by the trending searches at all.

too weird!

Is she pretending?

Thinking about it, Xia Xi thought it must be so.

Perhaps thinking of what Liang Feimo said in the morning, Xia Xi suddenly felt a little unbalanced, so she stepped forward and greeted Rao Shixin first, "Good morning, I thought you wouldn't be able to Come to the set."

Rao Shixin picked out his ears, but ignored Xia Xi at all, and just walked inside.

Behind him, manager Yang Hui and assistant Xiao Zhang also hurriedly entered the crew.

The smile on Xia Xi's face froze.She felt a little annoyed at being so ignored.

On the side, assistant Xiaowei came up and said: "Sister Xia, this Rao Shixin is too much, you are talking to her in person and she put on a face, she really thinks that she is great, is it because an old man is in the position?" of."

Xia Xi stabilized her emotions and said, "Be careful what you say, this is the crew."

"Got it, sister Xia, I just can't bear her treating you like this."

"It doesn't matter. At most, she is proud of herself until today. I think she is just pretending to be calm. I don't believe that she can really continue to stay in the entertainment industry."

"That's right, Sister Xia, she relies on old men to get her position. Netizens are quite against her now. I think this drama of hers will be the last of her career."

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows, feeling complacent.

at the same time.

Rao Shixin just joined the crew, and was immediately called out by Shen Qinghuan.

"What's going on with this hot search?" Shen Qinghuan was full of doubts after learning about the hot search in the morning.

In his opinion, Rao Shixin is definitely not the kind of person whose private life is messy, so who is the person in the photo?

Rao Shixin spread her hands, "Anyone wants to fuck me."

"What do you mean?" Shen Qinghuan was taken aback.

On the side, Yang Hui waved his hand, "Director Shen, don't ask, anyway, the hot search is just a misunderstanding, don't worry, the drama "Zhaoyang Tianxia" will definitely not be affected."

"Hey, of course I know that this drama will not be affected. I just want to know how you plan to solve this issue on the hot search? You know, netizens are very concerned about it now, and I'm afraid it will be hot searched soon. I can’t withdraw.” Shen Qinghuan was purely worried that the hot search would affect Rao Shixin’s future acting career.

To be honest, there are really not many actors with first-class acting skills. It is rare to meet Rao Shixin who is so talented and willing to work hard. Shen Qinghuan really likes it from the bottom of his heart.

A good actor shouldn't have his future buried.

(End of this chapter)

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