Chapter 1319 She is happy again

Rao Shixin was a little surprised.She thought that Shen Qinghuan was worried that the crew would suffer some influence because of her, but she didn't expect that Shen Qinghuan was just simply caring about her.

This really surprised her a bit, but it also warmed her heart a little.

"Director Shen, don't worry, I already know how to solve this matter, and I will hold a press conference tomorrow."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghuan raised his eyebrows, "Press conference?"

"Yes, I will give everyone an explanation for this matter on the hot search. Of course, I will also have those who insulted me give me an explanation." Rao Shixin felt that he had been used to it. It doesn't matter, but today netizens have risen to attack her personally, which is too much.

She decided to teach netizens a lesson!
Shen Qinghuan licked his lips, and couldn't help reminding: "Shi Xin, you have to know that you have to be fully prepared for the press conference, just who is the old man on the hot search, if you can't tell clearly, It’s hard for netizens to buy it.”

"Tch, it's not easy. The old man in the photo is my grandfather." Rao Shixin crossed his arms.

"What? That man is your grandfather?" Shen Qinghuan learned from the hot search that the old man in the photo is a very rich man, just by looking at the logo on the pajamas.

But, Rao Shixin said that man was her grandfather?
So, what is Rao Shixin's identity?
"Okay, let's stop talking, Director Shen, I'll go make up and make a headdress first." Rao Shixin checked the time and found that it was getting late.

Shen Qinghuan nodded blankly.

Just like that, Rao Shixin left, and when Yang Hui was about to follow, he suddenly stopped and said to Shen Qinghuan: "By the way, Director Shen, remember not to tell others what happened just now."

"?" Shen Qinghuan was a little overwhelmed, "Which thing?"

"The old man in the photo is Grandpa Shi Xin, shall we keep it a secret?" Yang Hui didn't forget to look around while speaking.

Shen Qinghuan understood in seconds, and made an OK gesture.

At the threshold of the crew, Xia Xi had just stepped in, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Yang Hui and Shen Qinghuan, who were mysteriously talking about it.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, thoughtful in her heart.

In her opinion, Yang Hui and Shen Qinghuan must be talking about Rao Shixin's hot search.

These two must be in a hurry!

Rao Shixin had a calm expression just now, but he was actually in a panic.

That's right, Rao Shixin's acting career is already in crisis after the hot search, so now Yang Hui and Shen Qinghuan are discussing how to prevent the hot search from affecting the drama "Zhaoyang Tianxia".

If the hot search continues, although it is impossible for Shen Qinghuan to replace Rao Shixin in the end, he will definitely lose Rao Shixin's role.

Even if Liang Feimo would help Rao Shixin, but the crew invested so much money, Liang Feimo would definitely not let his money go to waste just for Rao Shixin.

At most, Liang Feimo was just helping Rao Shixin reduce the trending searches. Besides, what else could he do?
Moreover, she believed that Liang Feimo would be bewitched by Rao Shixin for a while, and that's why he was so obsessed.

It won't be long before Liang Feimo will see Rao Shixin's true face. Is she afraid that she won't have a chance?
Thinking of this, she felt happy again.

When Rao Shixin returned to the tent, Xiao Ke also came in not long after.

It is probably because of seeing the hot search, Xiao Ke's eyes were filled with anxiety, "Shi Xin, why don't you make a statement about the hot search, and just let those netizens scold you at will?"

(End of this chapter)

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