The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1320 Come forward to clarify?

Chapter 1320 Come forward to clarify?

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows and said, "It's okay, they can scold them as they like." Anyway, they will have to pay for it later.

It doesn't matter!
Xiao Ke felt a little distressed, "However, the words of netizens are really unsightly. Shi Xin, if you are worried that you will be scolded by netizens when you post a statement, then I will post it for you."

"No, Xiao Ke, I can do it myself." Rao Shixin blocked him: "I just think it's useless to make a statement now, so I chose not to respond."

"But." Xiao Ke was obviously more anxious than Rao Shixin.

Rao Shixin looked calm, with a smile on Mingyan's face, and comforted Xiao Ke in turn, saying, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter, don't wade into this muddy water, lest netizens transfer their attack targets to on you."

"I'm not afraid of attacks from netizens." Xiao Ke folded his palms together and his eyes were firm, "Shi Xin, if I need my help with this matter, I can."

"Okay, Xiao Ke, I really appreciate you treating me like this. I don't want you to be affected for nothing because of me. Believe me, I can really handle it."

"If you need help, you must speak up."

"it is good."

Rao Shixin didn't expect Shen Qinghuan and Xiao Ke to be so concerned about her when she was on the hot search and scolded so badly by netizens.

On the contrary, what about the Leng Bingcui who kept saying that he wanted to chase her?

Ever since it became a hot search, Leng Bingcui didn't even send a message or call her.That's it, still want to chase her?

Inexplicable feeling angry!
Leng Bingcui didn't want the hot search to affect him, so he didn't appear in front of her, not even a simple greeting of concern.

very good!
Rao Shixin swore in her heart that one day if she agreed to Leng Bingcui's pursuit, then she would be out of her mind!

All in all, want to chase her?no way!
After staying in the crew for a day, after filming, at night, Rao Shixin drove back to Xiyuan.

As early as in the afternoon, she sent a message to Mrs. Fen, saying that she was going to Xiyuan for dinner tonight.

I just came back, and the dining table in the living room is already filled with an assortment of delicacies.

There were several people at the dining table, Rao Yanzhong, Chen Yuhui, Rao Shichen, and Lou Jianian.

Rao Shixin didn't expect everyone to be there.When she stepped up to the dining table and took a seat, she called out in a sweet and soft voice.

Unlike Rao Yanzhong and Rao Shichen's sternness and clarity, Chen Yuhui and Lou Jianian asked Rao Shixin about the hot searches with concerned expressions. .

While responding, Rao Shixin picked up his chopsticks and was just about to cook, when he knocked on the table with one hand suddenly, and then a voice of dissatisfaction sounded, "You stinky girl, you ruined my reputation, I'm so young! If it’s on the hot search list, can you still eat it?!”

The one who expressed dissatisfaction was naturally Mr. Rao.

Rao Shixin licked his lips, just about to put the fish into his mouth, after thinking about it, he finally held back his hunger and said, "Grandpa, speaking of this, I just have something to tell you, by the way , and brother."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen, who was reading cloth dishes to Lou Jia, raised his eyebrows slightly and swept his eyes away.

Rao Shixin chuckled, "I plan to hold a press conference tomorrow, and then I need Grandpa and Brother to help me clarify."

Come forward to clarify?

Rao Yanzhong frowned slightly.Let him show his face?

Of course, not only the old man was frowning, but also Rao Shichen.

Seeing the two people seem to hesitate, Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, "Huh? How is it? Grandpa, brother?"

Rao Yanzhong: "I refuse."

Rao Shichen: "Reject."

(End of this chapter)

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