The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1321 How Much Affected Her Mood

Chapter 1321 How Much Affected Her Mood
Rao Shixin was dumbfounded.

Soon, she came to her senses again, blinked and said, "Grandpa, brother, you two are too good at joking."

"A joke?" Rao Shichen looked indifferent, "Do you think it looks like it?"

Rao Yanzhong snorted, "We are very serious."

"?" Rao Shixin paused, "Grandpa, brother, are you going to help me?"

Rao Shichen held his chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and put it in Lou Jianian's bowl, "If you cause any trouble, you can solve it yourself."

Very ruthless, very cold!

Lou Jianian frowned slightly, and wanted to say something, but Rao Shichen reminded him: "Eat quickly, don't let it get cold."

So, after thinking about it, Lou Jia had no choice but to wait until the dinner was over before talking to Rao Shichen.

Rao Shixin's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that her brother was so heartless!

This is the so-called blood relationship?
If her brother didn't help, she could only pin her hopes on her grandfather.

So, she glanced at the old man on the side, with a flattering smile on her face, "Grandpa, surely you won't be as ruthless as my brother?"

The old man picked up his chopsticks, ate the vegetables, and said, "From childhood, grandpa taught you to learn to solve everything by yourself."

"!" The smile on Rao Shixin's face froze.

What do you mean?
Don't even plan to help her?

So what does she do?
She has decided to hold a press conference tomorrow!
Just when she was feeling panicked, a pair of chopsticks held a shrimp ball and put it in her bowl.

There was a smile on Chen Yuhui's face, and she said kindly: "Shi Xin, eat, let's discuss this matter with everyone later."

Rao Shixin understood the meaning, so she nodded, "Grandma is right, eat first."

It's all her fault for being careless. It's definitely not appropriate to talk about it at this time. We'll discuss it after dinner!

Grandma still loves her!

Just when she was thinking this way, suddenly another pair of chopsticks held a shrimp and put it in her bowl, and the person holding the chopsticks was Lou Jianian.

"Shi Xin, let's eat a shrimp. Let's not think about the hot search for now. We'll talk about it when we're full."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was very moved.

At this time, my sister-in-law also knows how to take care of her emotions, that's great!

After filming for a whole day on the set, she was already starving to death, and coupled with the hot searches, it did affect her mood to some extent.

Although she looked carefree and indifferent to everything, after all, she was on the hot search and was scolded by the majority of netizens.

In front of outsiders, she was naturally calm, but once she faced her relatives, the depression in her heart swept up inexplicably.

She didn't do anything wrong, but she was scolded by netizens, why?
Fortunately, there are still people in the family who can take care of her emotions, and what her grandmother and sister-in-law did made her feel heart-warming.

For a moment, she felt that it felt really good to be cared for.

"Grandma, sister-in-law, thank you."

Chen Yuhui and Lou Jianian looked at each other with distressed eyes.They comforted: "Okay, let's eat."

"Okay." Rao Shixin nodded, picked up his chopsticks, and started to eat.

The depression just now disappeared immediately.

After the meal, everyone moved to the living room to drink tea.

The TV is broadcasting a news program.

But no one is watching TV.

Rao Shixin was straight and upright like a primary school student, with both hands flat on his knees, looking obedient.

Opposite the rosewood sofa, Rao Yanzhong and Chen Yuhui were sitting there.

(End of this chapter)

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