The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1323 Leave this opportunity to a future grandson-in-law

Chapter 1323 Leave this opportunity to a future grandson-in-law

As soon as the connection was made, Yang Hui's voice came from the other side of the phone, "What's the matter? Shi Xin, if you're sure there's nothing wrong, I'll make a statement right now?"

Because there will be a press conference tomorrow, Rao Shixin and Yang Hui agreed to post a statement on Weibo in advance tonight.

Now, Yang Hui called Rao Shixin to make sure.

Rao Shixin thought of what his grandfather and brother said just now, and suddenly hesitated.

"What's wrong? Shi Xin, are you listening?" Yang Hui urged.

Rao Shixin gritted his teeth and said, "Send it, Sister Yang."

"Okay, then I'll post it on Weibo. You should rest early tonight so that you can be in a good state for tomorrow's press conference. Take it easy." Yang Hui urged a few words with concern.

Rao Shixin licked his lips, "Got it, hang up first."

So she hung up the phone.

Thinking of tomorrow's press conference, she clenched her hands and took a deep breath.

Anyway, she didn't believe that grandpa and brother wouldn't help her!

The two of them must have just talked about not being helpful.

However, Rao Shixin had no idea that she had guessed wrong. In fact, Rao Yanzhong and Rao Shichen did not intend to help her.

the other side.

A black car drove away from the tin garden.

The moonlight was bright and clear, and the light was cast in front of the car.

In the back seat of the car, Rao Yanzhong closed his eyes.

Next to her, Chen Yuhui put her hands on her lap, raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked, "You really don't intend to help Shi Xin?"

Rao Yanzhong replied: "No help."

"It's hard for Shi Xin to be alone, not as good as you." Chen Yuhui had only spoken halfway, when Rao Yanzhong suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the road ahead, and said, "Old man Liang called me this afternoon. "

"Old man Liang?" Chen Yuhui didn't quite understand who it was.

Rao Yanzhong raised his eyebrows slightly, grabbed Chen Yuhui's bright wrist with wrinkled hands, and explained: "It is the former chairman of the Liang Group."

"The former chairman? What did he call you for?" Chen Yuhui still didn't understand.

"You don't know, old man Liang has a grandson who is currently the president of the Liang Group. His name is Liang Feimo. He is handsome and single. It is said that this kid is an investor in Shixin's crew. I'll meet tomorrow afternoon."

"A meeting?" Chen Yuhui thought for a while, "Could it be that he wants to tell you something?"

Rao Yanzhong grinned, "That's right, he said that he will meet with me tomorrow, and discuss the matter between their brat and our Shixin."

Hearing this, Chen Yuhui's eyes lit up, and she understood something.

Rao Yanzhong patted Chen Yuhui's hand, "I've never met that kid from the Liang family anyway, but if he's really interested in our airy little padded jacket, then now is his good chance to show it."

Finally, Chen Yuhui found out.

It turned out that Rao Yanzhong didn't intend to clarify for Rao Shixin because he wanted to leave this opportunity to a future grandson-in-law.

Of course, this time is also an opportunity to test the future grandson-in-law.

At this time, the master bedroom of Xiyuan.

Rao Shichen still had some work to do.

While it was still early, he sat at the desk and started working.

At this moment, a slender figure walked over.

Lou Jianian came to the table holding a cup of tea, put the tea down, and said, "I made you a cup of tea."

The aroma of tea lingers on the table.

Rao Shichen raised his eyes slightly, looked at the girl at the table, his face showed a slight tenderness, and then patted his legs, "Come and sit."

(End of this chapter)

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