The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1324 Almost crushed the mouse

Chapter 1324 Almost crushed the mouse
Hearing this, Lou Jianian shook his head, "No, I still have a few documents to process."

"Oh?" Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the tea on the table, "Then you still have time to make tea for me?"

Lou Jianian rolled his eyes, but still sighed lightly, "Well, I actually have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Rao Shichen let go of the mouse, picked up the tea instead, and blew his thin lips into the cup a few times before taking a sip.

Under the fluorescent light, his handsome face was coated with a faint halo, and his exquisite and beautiful eyebrows looked like the graceful nobleman in the ink painting.

Lou Jianian stabilized his emotions and said, "That's right, I don't quite understand Shi Xin's hot search, why don't you plan to help Shi Xin clarify it?"

As her words fell, the man's hand holding the teacup paused slightly, and his eyes slightly raised, "That's all?"

"Huh?" Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows, thought for a while, and said, "After all, Shi Xin was abused by netizens, and I think netizens went too far."

The man stroked the rim of the cup with his fingertips, then put the cup down, and said, "It's really too much."

"So, why don't you help Shi Xin?"

The man sighed softly, "I can't help you with this matter."

"Why?" Lou Jianian didn't quite understand.But I also felt that something was wrong. What the man said was that he could not help, not that he would not help.

Just when she was puzzled, the man opened his thin lips lightly and said, "Liang Feimo promised me to catch Shi Xin within a month."

"!" Lou Jianian paused for a moment, and then he understood something, but he was not sure, so he asked, "So you plan to see what Liang Feimo does?"

The man leaned back on the seat and said, "Since Liang Feimo wants to catch up with Shi Xin, he must let me see his sincerity."

Regarding the fact that his sister was on the trending searches and was raped by the Internet, if Liang Feimo did nothing, then he would not be qualified to be Rao Shichen's sister-in-law.

Lou Jianian finally understood.

West master bedroom.

Rao Shixin lay on the bed in a large shape, staring at the bright lights on the ceiling.

Just now, Yang Hui posted on Weibo, briefly talking about the press conference tomorrow morning.

Netizens all went to the bottom of Yang Hui's Weibo to curse people.

In order to recharge his energy, Rao Shixin stopped checking Weibo.

This is what Yang Hui told her not to watch, so as not to disturb her sleep.According to Yang Hui, the truth of the matter will be revealed tomorrow anyway, so why bother about tonight's cyberbullying.

Rao Shixin thought it was the same reason, so he quit Weibo and stopped paying attention to any comments on the Internet.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening.

The night outside the window lattice is dark, and a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

Rao Shixin's mind was empty.

After a while, she picked up her phone, clicked on WeChat, and found a certain man.

From morning to now, there is no news.

Liang Feimo seemed to have disappeared without even sending her a message!

This approach made her feel stuck.

She put a question mark on the screen with her thumb, but hesitated for a while, but she still didn't send it, but quit WeChat.

After thinking about it, she felt that something was wrong with herself.

She actually cared what Liang Feimo did!
too weird.

After thinking about it, she simply got up and went to the bathroom, intending to take a bath and relax.

the other side.

The Liang family mansion.

In the room, Liang Feimo was sitting at the desk, staring at the computer screen, regarding the statement issued by Rao Shixin's manager Yang Hui.

Then, when he scrolled down with the mouse, he saw that the netizens began to swear at people constantly at the bottom of Weibo, and every sentence was ugly.

So, his face turned cold, and then, he clicked on Rao Shixin's Weibo, only to find that the netizens scolded him even more!
Every swearing word can make his face a little bit colder.

He tightened his palm and almost crushed the mouse.

(End of this chapter)

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