The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1325 Killed an Invincible Leng Halfway

Chapter 1325 Killed an Invincible Leng Halfway
Deep night.

Netizens tapped their keyboards frantically.

[Are you going to hold a press conference?Are you planning to announce your withdrawal from the circle? 】

[So shameless!In order to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, don't you even dislike an old man? 】

【Hahaha, how does the old man feel?Tell me chant! 】

[Hurry up and get out of the entertainment industry!Don't dirty my eyes! 】

【rest assured!In the future, as long as it is a TV series you star in, I will not watch it, disgusting. 】

The comments piled up, seemingly never-ending.

However, at this time, a netizen named Wudi Leng appeared.

His comment directly angered netizens!

[The brain is very useful, but unfortunately none of you have it!Support Rao Shixin! 】

Netizens felt insulted, so they yelled at Wudi coldly.

【Invincible, since you believe so much in Rao Shixin's innocence, then show me the evidence! 】

[That's right, don't speak without evidence! 】

[Invincible is a die-hard fan, I really feel sympathy for your IQ. 】

[Anyone who dares to shout on the screen must be a yes person in real life. 】

[Yes, I support what the above said. 】

On the computer screen, Liang Feimo saw the netizens attacking him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and began to type quickly on the keyboard with both hands.

He has studied computers, and his skills are not bad.

Just like that, after some beatings by him, a comment on Weibo soon swiped the screen.

[Support Rao Shixin! 】

It's just such a simple five words, and it continues to dominate the screen.

Netizens were all terrified.This bullying screen directly drowned out their comments just now.

Unconvinced, some netizens began typing on the keyboard, trying to post their own comments.

As a result, Invincible Leng didn't know what technical method was used to prevent their comments from appearing on the screen.

Apartments on the other side.

Xia Xi couldn't help but feel strange when she saw this situation under Rao Shixin's Weibo.

Netizens could still hang around Rao Shixin's Weibo and curse at people in the middle of the night. The main reason was that she hired absolutely some of them. However, what happened to an Invincible Leng who was killed halfway through?

Just when she was wondering, the assistant Xiaowei called.

After she pressed the answer button, she heard what the other party said, and said: "I already know, you can find a computer expert to help you find out what's going on? Anyway, I must let Shixin's Weibo be drowned out by scolding ,Understand?"

The other party didn't know what to say, so she hung up the phone in satisfaction.

However, after hanging up the phone, she scanned the phone screen again.

Could it be that Rao Shixin hired this Invincible Leng who kept dominating the screen?

It sure is!

It seemed that Rao Shixin was in a hurry.

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on her brows.

However, she didn't know that at this moment, Rao Shixin was falling into an excellent sleep and was not affected by any influence from the Internet at all.

The screen returned to the Liang family mansion again.

Liang Feimo looked at the overwhelming comments on the screen, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his dark eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the mobile phone beside him, reached out to pick up the mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, and found a certain girl.

He typed out the three words with his thumb, but hesitated for a moment. After looking at the time, it was already one o'clock, so instead of sending it, he chose to quit WeChat.

The next second, he put down his phone, glanced at the drawer under the table, and then raised his hand to pull the drawer open.

(End of this chapter)

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