The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1326 Then what will she do later?

Chapter 1326 Then what will she do later?
As the drawer was opened, I saw some scattered things inside, such as watches, pens, seals, etc., and a small blue velvet box.

He reached out to pick up the blue velvet box, and opened it, a flash of dazzling and dazzling light flashed by.

I saw a diamond ring in the blue velvet box.

The diamond ring is made of silver material. As for the diamond on it, it is an extremely rare blue diamond from the country of Edburgh.

The country can only produce about ten diamonds each year. Because they are rare and expensive, the diamond can glow in the dark and has mysterious power. It is said that it can remove many problems in the human body.

The blue diamond adopts bold cushion-cut technology, which makes the whole ring look more sparkling and eye-catching.

Liang Feimo looked at the diamonds in the velvet box with extremely deep eyes.

The next day.

Press conference.


Rao Shixin asked the makeup artist to apply makeup on herself.

It's ten minutes to ten.

Outside, photographers and reporters had already gathered, and all the media wanted to get first-hand revelations.

With so much media attention, this also reflects Rao Shixin's reputation from the side.

Yang Hui glanced at the conference site, seeing so many people, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

So, she came to the dressing table, supported the table with both hands, and said, "Shi Xin, where are your grandfather and elder brother?"

It seems that no one has been seen since just now.

Rao Shixin felt a little annoyed.

Since the morning, she has specially reminded her grandpa and brother that she will hold a press conference today, and she is sure that grandpa and brother must have heard what she said.

She thought that when grandpa and brother said they wouldn't help last night, it was just lip service, but at this point in time, she didn't see grandpa and brother appear, so she believed in her heart that maybe grandpa and brother were not joking.

Seeing that the press conference is about to start, what will she do if grandpa and brother don't show up again?
"Shi Xin, what's the matter? Are your grandfather and brother too busy? You should answer me, otherwise I will feel very uneasy." Yang Hui was beating drums in his heart, always worried that the press conference would not go well.

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, knowing that Yang Hui was in a hurry, after thinking about it, he comforted him: "I think they should be on their way here, so don't worry."

Hearing this, Yang Hui breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I thought they wouldn't come."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin's eyes flickered slightly.Needless to say, she thought so too.

In order to make sure again whether they will come or not, she took out her mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, and sent a message to her grandfather and brother.

At this time, the Rao Group.

President Office.

Rao Shichen was wearing a neat suit, with a delicate and picturesque face, and was sitting at the desk working.

Suddenly, the phone buzzed and vibrated, so he picked it up and took a look.

Rao Shixin: Brother, my press conference is about to start, are you coming?

Seeing the news, Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not reply directly.

At this moment, the door was knocked and pushed open, only to see Xu Chi come in.

Holding the document in his hand, he walked up to the desk, put down the document and said respectfully: "Mr. Rao, these documents need your signature."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen put down his phone, opened the document and read it, then picked up the pen to sign.

After signing, he pushed the document to Xu Chi.

Xu Chi picked up the document and reminded: "By the way, Mr. Rao, there will be a meeting at ten o'clock."

(End of this chapter)

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