Chapter 1343 Inexplicably Stiff
Hearing this, Mrs. Liang's body stopped, and her whole body was in a bad mood, "Mr. Rao, Mrs. Chen, although our Feimo family is a bit cold-tempered, and he can't talk and is not pleasant, but he"

Hearing this, Mr. Liang was taken aback, and quickly interrupted Mrs. Liang, "No, no, daughter-in-law, you understand. Although Feimo and Shixin's wedding will not be held for the time being, my in-laws and I have already discussed it. Alright, let's hold an engagement ceremony for the two children first."

Mrs. Liang was stunned for a moment, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, "So it's engagement first." As she spoke, she remembered what she said just now, then smiled and changed her words: "Well, Mr. Rao, Mrs. Chen, please ignore What I just said."

Chen Yuhui: "."

Rao Yanzhong: "."

Why do you suddenly feel a little unreliable?
After the press conference in the morning, the Internet was full of what Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin announced officially.

According to insiders, after the press conference, Liang Feimo left with Rao Shixin in his arms, obviously very affectionate.

Fans all went to Rao Shixin's Weibo to comment.

【Ahhh!Handsome and beautiful, Mr. Liang and Xinxin are a match made in heaven! 】

[I decided to start fanning Mr. Liang from today. 】

[Goddess Rao and Mr. Liang, one is beautiful, the other is handsome, the picture standing together is so eye-catching. 】

[I hope the goddess can always be happy. 】

[I love the scene where Mr. Liang kneels down so much. 】

There was a storm on the Internet.

However, in a certain high-end apartment, it was beautiful and quiet.

The sun was setting outside the window, and the orange-red brilliance rendered a beautiful painting on the horizon.

Inside, the clock on the wall reads 06:30 in the evening.

On the big bed, the girl was sleeping deeply, her long curly hair was spread on the pillow, her fair face was rosy, her slender eyelashes were black and shiny, covering her eyelids, casting a shadow on her eyes.

At this time, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Her eyelashes moved slightly, followed by opening her eyes, and what she saw was the white ceiling and the bright crystal chandelier.

For a moment, her eyes were confused.

Until, the sound of running water in the bathroom disappeared, and the door was opened.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, she froze for a moment, then seemed to realize something, so she closed her eyes again.

At the door of the bathroom, Liang Feimo had just finished taking a shower. He was wearing a black bathrobe and was wiping his wet hair with a towel in his hand.

Drops of water slid down his face, trickled over his Adam's apple, until they submerged into the chest muscles half covered by the bathrobe.

The tie of the bathrobe was loose, making his legs more slender and powerful.

While wiping his black hair, his dark eyes glanced at the girl on the big bed with her back to him.

The girl was sleeping on her side, with her long curly hair draped docilely on the pillow. From this angle, she looked a bit messy and beautiful.

Outside the quilt, the girl's slender arms were exposed, as white as snow.

A dark light flashed in Liang Feimo's dark eyes, and the next second he threw the towel in his hand on the sofa, and at the same time, he took a long leg and walked towards the big bed.

On the bed, Rao Shixin could hear the man's steady footsteps behind him.As the steps got closer, her body became inexplicably stiff.

She kept her eyes closed until she felt the other side of the big bed collapse, and followed a body behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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