The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1344 The Taste of Hot Pot Base

Chapter 1344 The Taste of Hot Pot Base

At that moment, she secretly cursed a few foul words in her heart.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, she reached out and pressed the palm, opened her eyes, and stared fiercely, "What are you doing?"

Liang Feimo's eyebrows were raised slightly, and his eyes were playful, "Stop pretending to be asleep?"

"I just woke up." Rao Shixin took the man's hand away.

However, the man clasped her waist with his hands instead, his handsome face pressed against her profile, and his thin lips poured out, "Thank you, are you hungry? What do you want for dinner?"

Maybe it was because the man had just finished taking a bath, and the mint smell on his body was quite pleasant, Rao Shixin was a little out of control.

Originally, she planned to scold the man severely, but she didn't expect that the man suddenly asked her what she wanted for dinner, which instantly made her lose her temper.

She was indeed starving to death.

"You cook?" she asked casually.

The man actually agreed, "Yes."

So, she was surprised, "Will you?"

"The next one should be fine."

"It's just cooking noodles, who can't do that."

"Eat noodle?"


"Then what do you want to eat?"

"I want to go home."

The man frowned slightly, "No."

"Get up." Rao Shixin pushed the man.

She was suddenly dissatisfied!
Liang Feimo seemed to see her thoughts, with smile lines on the corners of his eyes, "Eat something."

Rao Shixin suddenly became angry with this overtone, "Who wants to eat what you made!"

"What do you want to eat? Tell me."

Rao Shixin snorted, "I want to eat hot pot."

"Hot pot?" Liang Fei's eyebrows were wrinkled.

"It's fine if there is no hot pot, I want to go home." Rao Shixin moved his body again, thinking about it, but found it a bit difficult.

Liang Feimo pinched her chin with his palm, and said, "I'll prepare it. As for going home, don't even think about it." He finally got up and went downstairs to prepare hot pot.

Rao Shixin found that there was no suppression, so he lifted the quilt.

She took a deep breath, calmed down the urge to lose her temper, then stood up with difficulty and went to the bathroom.

There is a bathtub in the bathroom, and she plans to take a hot bath.

This bath lasted for about half an hour.

After taking a bath, she took a black bathrobe and put it on.

This is Liang Feimo's size. It looks a little wide on him, but it makes her a little petite.

Just after taking a bath, her face was rosy, her long curly hair was draped over her shoulders, she was wearing a bathrobe, her long legs were straight and white, she looked pure and lustful.

After fastening the ribbon, she stepped out of the room and went downstairs along the spiral staircase.

As soon as she went downstairs, she saw two people in the hall.

In front of the dining table, Liang Feimo was fiddling with the ingredients. Wen Xi was holding two big bags of stuff on the table, opening the bag, and taking out the stuff from inside.

There are vegetables, fat beef, mutton, meatballs, seafood, etc., all of which are hot pot ingredients. There is an electric hot pot in the middle, which is steaming and gurgling, and the smell of hot pot bottom ingredients is in the air.

Rao Shixin's eyes lit up, and he walked to the dining table.

As she approached, Liang Feimo's eyes swept away, and when he saw that she was wearing a bathrobe, her long curly hair was loosened, and she was seductive and charming, her face instantly turned cold.

In the next second, his cold eyes shot at Wen Salamander beside him.

Wen Xi just shouted respectfully, "Miss Rao." Immediately afterwards, he received a stare shot from someone.

Soon, he wisely made an excuse and left quickly.

Rao Shixin didn't understand why Wen Xie ran away like he was running for his life.Of course, this is no longer within the scope of her concern. Right now, she is more concerned about the food on the table.

  Mr. Liang and Shi Xin will only have sweetness next, and Mr. Rao and Niannian will be written later.

(End of this chapter)

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