The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1366 Successfully shut her up!

Chapter 1366 Successfully shut her up!

"I have something to talk to you." The man's eyes were dark and deep, as if he was hiding some emotion.

Rao Shixin thought for a while, then nodded, "That's fine, I also have something to talk to you about." As she spoke, she pushed away the man's palm that was clasping her waist, then crossed her arms and said, "About the The engagement that Grandpa Liang said about."

When it comes to engagement, the man's dark pupils seem to have a gleam of light, followed by her and said: "We are just a fake couple, I hope you can find a chance to make it clear to Grandpa Liang."

As she finished speaking, the man obviously frowned, "Fake couple?"

"That's right, Liang Feimo, I'm willing to cooperate with you to act together now, but I hope you can figure out that there is no way we will have any results, understand?" She said bluntly what she was thinking.

It's just that such blunt words made the man feel very dissatisfied.

Soon, the man stepped forward, grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. Just when she was about to lose her temper, the man blocked her lips forcefully and accurately.

Successfully shut her up!

Outside the window, the afternoon sun was hot and bright.

the other side.

Lou's Group.

conference room.

In front of the projector, the planner is reporting the feasibility of the plan based on the data.

Across the long table, at the main seat, Lou Jianian had her long hair rolled up, light makeup painted on her fair face, her hands crossed on the table, staring at all the data on the screen seriously.

Today she is wearing a white and black professional suit, simple clothing, pure white but with a dark and cold black line, which makes her feel cool invisibly.

The high-level people below all sat upright, and their eyes fell on the screen.

Since Lou Jianian took over Lou's, in a very short period of time, he carried out major reforms in a very short period of time with a vigorous and vigorous style of work, and saved the company from crisis. For this reason, all senior management, even the directors We all admire her.

In the company, the directors unconditionally support every decision Lou Jianian makes. After all, the company almost disappeared before, but now, after Lou Jianian took over the company, the company's profits have risen steadily, and even the stock price has increased. It has also risen, and the directors have gained a lot of benefits from it.

In the face of interests, the directors naturally all follow Lou Jianian's lead. What's more, the directors all know in private that Lou Jianian has a very awesome husband. Rao Shichen, the owner of the world's number one economic lifeline.

Regarding the above, how dare the directors have any criticisms against Lou Jianian?

After the planner finished talking about the feasibility of the plan, when Lou Jianian asked the high-level executives present for their opinions, they all said that the plan was excellent and had no shortcomings.

However, Lou Jianian didn't think so, she could only hear her say: "I don't think so, this plan is indeed very good, but in terms of details, there are many things that are not well thought out, such as"

Next, she pointed out the details that seemed normal but had problems that needed to be corrected.

Because of her seriousness and carefulness, including business acumen, the person who planned the case and other high-level officials present were impressed.

"This plan, apart from the details that I mentioned just now, needs to be revised, there are no other problems. It is very well done. Just modify the details of the plan tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and just give it to me. Everyone has worked hard today. The meeting is over. .”

(End of this chapter)

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