The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1367 It's time to replace the secretary

Chapter 1367 It's time to replace the secretary

A meeting is finally over.

When Lou Jianian returned to the office, he found that there was an extra person inside, and that person was Lou Shuyu.

She thought it was time to replace the secretary.

On the sofa, I saw Lou Shuyu sitting with his long legs crossed, one hand resting on the armrest of the sofa, and the other hand on his knee.Today she is wearing a long skirt, the kind that reaches to the ankles, nude pink, which complements her fairer skin, and a pair of flat shoes on her feet.

Even though her face was specially made up, Lou Jianian could still see the faint blue shadow under her eyes from this angle.

Almost just glanced at it, Lou Jianian looked away, without closing the door, walked directly to the desk, and at the same time said, "Idlers, please go out."

As her words fell, Lou Shuyu's body moved slightly on the sofa.

In the next second, she got up, walked to the desk, put her hands on the desk, leaned over, and said, "Lou Jianian, do you know why I'm here?"

Lou Jianian sat behind the desk, took the file and opened it, ignoring the person in front of him.

However, the person at the desk seemed a little annoyed, and raised her hand to close the document she had just opened, "Thank you, because my dad is in jail, and grandma is in poor health recently, and she is depressed all day long. I was very sad, and even dreamed every day that my uncle came back to find her and blamed her."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, then raised her eyes to look at the person in front of her, and said calmly, "What does this have to do with me?"

Lou Shuyu squeezed her small hands, "Grandma is feeling very sad now, because in the dream my uncle blamed her for throwing you into the orphanage, Lou Jianian, don't tell me you have no idea at all?"

"So, what exactly do you want me to say?" Lou Jianian leaned back on the seat with a very calm expression.

Lou Shuyu gritted his teeth, "Grandma is also your grandma, don't you feel heartache at all? Grandma has suffered too many blows recently. She has nightmares every day and can't eat. She is very uncomfortable. The doctor came to see her several times. I prescribed some medicine, but grandma was still the same after taking it, it didn’t work at all.”

"After talking so much, you just said a bunch of nonsense." Lou Jianian's face remained calm, only indifferent, "I'm still busy with work, you go out!"

"You!" Lou Shu took a deep breath, opened the chair in front of the table and took a seat, and said in a slow tone, "Grandma felt a little guilty in her heart, and felt sorry for uncle for throwing you into the orphanage. , I hope you can go home with me after you finish your work, and talk to grandma to explain to grandma, at least tell grandma that you didn't take it to heart when you were thrown into the orphanage."

These words made Lou Jianian feel ridiculous.She responded, "I'm sorry, I've always taken it to heart."

Lou Shuyu frowned.

"Also, I don't care what your purpose is, this is my office, if you want to act, please go to the set, I don't welcome you here." Lou Jianian didn't believe every word Lou Shuyu said.

Li Xiangyun hated her from the bottom of his heart, how could he suddenly feel guilty about being with her overnight?

To be honest, she would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than that Li Xiangyun would feel guilty for throwing her into the orphanage back then!
Lou Shuyu's face was very cold, "What do you mean? Do you think I'm acting? Nonsense?"

(End of this chapter)

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