The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1368 What is Lou Shuyu's purpose?

Chapter 1368 What is Lou Shuyu's purpose?
"It's not what I think, but it's the fact." Lou Jianian raised his hand to press the landline, "If you don't go out, I will call security."

"You!" Lou Shu's tone was dead, he stood up, and accused: "You think I'm willing to come here to find you? If it wasn't for grandma, I wouldn't want to say a word to you at all, Lou Jianian, don't forget, Your surname is Lou!"

Lou Jianian stopped talking nonsense with her, and directly pressed the landline, "Security, come in."

Soon, the security guard came in, "Mr. Lou, what are your orders?"

Lou Jianian put his arms around his chest, leaned back against the seat, raised his eyebrows and said, "Get this person out."

The two security guards saw that the person they were going to drive out turned out to be Lou Shuyu, and they were instantly embarrassed.

However, they knew who was the boss of Lou's now, so they could only step forward and politely invite people out first.

At this time, Lou Shu's face turned green and red with a tone of voice.

Before Lou Jianian took over the Lou family, this place belonged to Lou Guangzong.At the beginning, she came in when she wanted to, but now she was about to be kicked out.

"Very good, Lou Jianian, you really have no conscience!" Lou Shu said angrily, before walking away.

Lou Jianian raised an eyebrow and sneered.

Seeing that Lou Shuyu had left, the two security guards also left.

The office was quiet again, however, Lou Jianian, who wanted to work, suddenly lost the mood to work.

Simply, she pushed the document away, got up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the sky in the sky.

It is already 04:30 in the afternoon, the sun is gradually moving to the west, the sky is still blue and white.

Through the window, she saw outside the gate of Lou's company. Lou Shuyu walked towards a Maserati, then opened the door and entered the car.

As Lou Shuyu got into the car, the car soon started.

Seeing the luxurious car driving into the direction of the road, a thoughtful expression appeared on her brows.

What is the purpose of Lou Shuyu's visit today?
She didn't think that Lou Shuyu would really come here for Li Xiangyun, and she didn't believe that Li Xiangyun would blame himself for what happened back then to the point where he couldn't eat.

These are absolutely impossible things that Li Xiangyun would do!

She couldn't figure out what Lou Shuyu was thinking, but luckily she stopped guessing.

Anyway, she would never let Lou Shuyu take advantage of whatever Lou Shuyu wanted to do.

Now, what she needs to do is another thing.

Thinking of this, she walked to the desk, pressed the secretary's landline, and said, "Make a cup of coffee and bring it in."

Following her order, the door of the office was pushed open after a while, and the secretary came in with coffee.

She put the coffee on the table and said respectfully, "Mr. Lou, the coffee you want." After speaking, the secretary turned around to leave.

"Wait." Lou Jianian, who had already sat on the office chair, said, "I have something to tell you."

The secretary turned around, "What orders does Boss Lou have?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian picked up the coffee and took a sip, "Your work performance is not suitable for the job of a secretary. I will settle your salary, including bonuses and so on. You don't have to come tomorrow."

Hearing this, the secretary panicked instantly, "Mr. Lou, is it because I did something bad that you want to fire me?"

Lou Jianian put down his coffee, looked at her, and said: "There is nothing wrong with it, just because you are Lou Guangzong's secretary, I won't go into details about the things you usually do in the company, so you What else is there to be dissatisfied with?"

This time, the secretary almost knelt down.

In the end, the secretary had no choice but to pack up his things and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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