Chapter 1376 What's it like!
Gu Ze was left in the entire private room, and of course Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian were left.

Gu Ze glanced at a man and a woman on the sofa, not to mention how dazzling the cuddling scene was.

These two people always get so tired of being together every time they come, and they don't think about his feelings as a single.


Maybe because he didn't want to stay any longer, he simply put down his wine glass, picked up the clothes he had just thrown on the sofa, and walked away.

As the door closed and closed, Lou Jianian swept his eyes and said, "Everyone is gone, why don't we go back too?"

Rao Shichen's hazel eyes flashed a strong light, and he pinched her chin with his palm, "It's better to leave now."

Feeling the warm touch from the jaw, Lou Jianian already guessed what the man was going to do.

However, when she just realized it, the man's thin lips had already fallen.

The temperature in the entire private room is gradually rising.

In the corridor, Gu Ze suddenly remembered that he forgot his mobile phone when he was halfway there.So, he went and returned.

He swore that if he knew what was going on in the private room, then he would rather leave his mobile phone in the private room than seek death.

Just as he held the doorknob to open the door, the scene of a man and a woman kissing on the sofa came into his eyes.

At that moment, he was completely stupid!
Lou Jianian was the first to react.With her keen ears, she sensed the sound of the door opening, so she glanced past the man towards the door, only to be surprised to find someone there!

In the next second, she quickly raised her hand to push the man away.

Rao Shichen was throwing himself in when he was suddenly pushed away by a pair of small hands.He leaned back, subconsciously supporting the edge of the sofa with one hand, with crimson in the corner of his eyes, looking at the girl in front of him.

The light from the top cast down, and the girl's delicate and beautiful face was rosy, making her even more seductive.

Rao Shichen resisted a certain desire, his voice was a little hoarse, "What's the matter?"

However, the girl did not speak, but looked a little embarrassed.

So, Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, looked back, and saw the person standing stupidly at the door, his expression turned cold, "Gu Ze!"

"Ah!" Gu Ze belatedly realized that the two people on the sofa had separated, and panicked for a moment, "That. Rao dog, I didn't mean to interrupt you, I..."

As soon as he said this, Rao Shichen's face became even colder.

"Bah, bah, I was wrong, I actually didn't see anything, really"

It’s okay if you don’t explain it, but it’s even more self-explanatory when you explain it

Lou Jianian didn't dare to look up, it was too embarrassing.

Seeing that Rao Shichen's expression became more and more cold, Gu Ze simply didn't explain, and just said, "I forgot to take my phone."

With that said, he quickly slipped into the private room to get his cell phone, then turned around and ran away.

He ran all the way out of the bar before he stopped.

However, thinking of the scene in the private room just now, his emotions were a little complicated for a while.

He's grown up and never knew what it's like to kiss!
Thinking of this, he pouted, why don't he go back and find a girl?

But who?
A certain soft-looking girl suddenly flashed through his mind.

The screen returned to the private room again.

Gu Ze ran away, the door was closed again, and the space was concealed again.

Rao Shichen raised his hand to loosen his tie, put his arms around Lou Jianian, and said, "Let's continue."

After finishing speaking, Lou Jianian pushed him away, "Go back, it's embarrassing."

Rao Shichen frowned slightly, remembering Gu Ze in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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