The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1377 Who is this girl videoing with?

Chapter 1377 Who is this girl videoing with?

Outside the bar, Gu Ze got into the car, but sneezed a few times for no reason.

For this reason, he thought it was because of the recent cold caused by the air-conditioning, so he turned off the air-conditioning in the car, lowered the windows instead, and started the car.

Soon, the car drove into a luxury residential area, and then stopped.

He got out of the car, took the elevator, and came to the apartment where he was.

He bought this apartment when he started to take over the Gu Group. The reason is very simple, it is close to the company.

Of course, because of his high net worth, the apartment he bought was naturally extremely expensive.

Because the view from the top floor is the best, he bought the top floor and transformed it into a duplex.

Taking the elevator all the way to the door of the apartment, he raised his hand to enter the password, and then opened the door.

As the door opened, I looked up and saw that the hall was empty.

no one?Where did that girl go?
Gu Ze frowned slightly, and his evil face was obviously more dissatisfied.I saw him enter the apartment, close the door, look around, and then walk to the kitchen, utility room, bathroom, terrace, and second bedroom.

After searching again, there was no sign of a certain little girl at all.

So, he thought for a moment and looked at the clock on the wall.

ten o'clock!
He glanced at the stairs, then stepped up the stairs.

As he came upstairs, a light was on in the quiet corridor, and it was very empty. Except for the murals on the walls and the potted plants placed in the corner, it looked inexplicably cold.

He walked through each room with strides, and stopped until he passed one of them and heard a rustling sound coming from inside.

This is a rest room, the door is closed tightly, but someone can be heard talking inside.

What is the little girl doing?
Usually only Gu Ze lives in this apartment, but since the addition of Qiuqing, the nanny, the apartment has become more popular.

Qiu Qingqing has no time during the day, and only at night can she come to clean the apartment. As for the reason, Gu Ze doesn't know.

Anyway, for Gu Ze, as long as Qiu Qingqing comes to the apartment at a fixed time every day, he is not at home at all during the day, so he agreed to let Qiu Qingqing come to the apartment to clean at night. Of course, there is also cooking a meal in the morning, just these two points.

Through a door, listening to the voice of the girl inside, Gu Ze was a little puzzled, so he raised his hand to hold the doorknob, and gently pushed the door open.

As soon as the door opened, he saw a girl sitting behind the desk, with shoulder-length hair hanging down, wearing pink short sleeves, and a fair and fleshy face with makeup on.

There is a computer in front of her, and she is smiling at the screen, and coquettishly speaking words that make every man feel soft-hearted.

"Thank you, little brother, for your reward, I'm so kind, oh, mua!"

Gu Ze's eyebrows jumped a few times.Who is this girl videoing with?

Maybe it was because his mind was lost for a while, he stepped forward without hesitation, "Qiu Qingqing, what are you doing?"

Qiu Weiwei, who was playing the live broadcast, suddenly heard someone talking, raised her eyes and saw that it was Gu Ze, and instantly widened her eyes.

During the live broadcast, many viewers also heard Gu Ze's voice.

[Xiao Qingqing, why is there a man in your room? 】

[I seem to have heard it too?what happened? 】

[Do you have a boyfriend, Xiaoqing? 】

【The last time Xiaoqing said that she was still single?lie to us? 】

(End of this chapter)

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