The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1378 Instantly switched to a sweet smile

Chapter 1378 Instantly switched to a sweet smile

People on the screen constantly raised questions, and they were all the viewers who usually gave Qiu Qingyuan the most rewards.

Qiu Qingwei was at a loss.She said to the audience on the screen: "That's not true, I'm really single, little brothers, I'm not lying."

Because she looked like she was about to cry in a hurry, and she was so soft and cute that I felt pity for it, which instantly softened the hearts of the men watching the live broadcast.

One by one, they started typing on the keyboard again.

[Xiao Qingwei, don't worry, buddy trusts you. 】

【What are you doing?How could Xiaoqingqing lie to everyone? 】

[You are so malicious towards Xiaoweiwei, don't watch the live broadcast!Made me angry. 】

[I believe that Xiaoqingqing is the most innocent and kind-hearted, and it is absolutely impossible to lie to us. 】

[Don't worry, brother, how about some rockets for you? 】

Then, with a swipe on the screen, three rockets appeared shiningly.

Qiu was stunned for a moment, and then his aggrieved face changed into a smile, and he put his hands together, and said, "Thank you little brothers for trusting me."

Because she looks very sweet, and when she smiles, she shows her small canine teeth, which makes people feel very cute. In addition, her voice is soft and waxy, and the attention of the male audience is immediately diverted, and they completely forget that there is something in the room just now. The man's voice thing.

In front of the desk, Gu Ze couldn't see what was on the computer screen, but seeing Qiu Qingqing acting coquettishly and cutely at the computer, the veins on his forehead almost popped out.

He clenched his palms tightly, and when he was about to speak, suddenly, the girl in front of the computer glanced and saw that he was about to speak, and then stood up.

Because the girl stood up, the audience on the screen could only see the girl's pink clothes, but couldn't see the girl's face.

On the screen, the audience expressed doubts.

Gu Ze was stunned for a moment, completely dumbfounded by Qiu's gentle operation.He himself forgot what he was going to say.

In front of the table, Qiu gently made a gesture of begging with both hands, begging him not to speak.

The light from the top cast down, and the girl's big round eyes carried a request, which seemed irresistible.

In the end, Gu Ze didn't know what was going on with him anymore, so he kept silent.

Qiu lightly pointed to the door, begging Gu Ze to leave for a while.

Gu Ze was naturally not happy.He glanced at it, and finally walked to the sofa and took a seat, folded his arms around his chest, and just stared at Qiu gently.

It was obvious what he meant, that is, not to leave.

Qiu was in a hurry.Because she knew that Gu Ze was a bit difficult to deal with, after thinking about it, in order not to delay the live broadcast, she simply stopped wasting time begging.

So she sat down again.

When her face appeared on the screen again, it instantly switched to a sweet smile.

I could only hear her say: "Brothers, I'm sorry, I just stood up and wiped the dust on the table, it's like this, the time for tonight's live broadcast is almost over, I'm a little tired, next time we Shall we get together again? Let’s do this tonight, bye, I love you lightly.”

Finally, she blew a kiss towards the screen before turning off the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast was turned off, she instantly breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned back on the chair, like a deflated ball.

Gu Ze's face was gloomy, "Qiu Qingqing, what are you doing with my computer in my apartment?"

(End of this chapter)

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