The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1379 She cursed Gu Ze to death all the way.

Chapter 1379 She cursed Gu Ze to death all the way.

Just after the live broadcast ended, Qiu Qingwei, who had just relaxed, couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw Gu Ze questioning him.

She stood up and said, "If you mind if I use your computer, tell me how much it costs and I'll pay you."

Hearing this, Gu Ze laughed angrily, "How much do you want to pay?"

"How much do you want?" Qiu Weiwei vaguely felt an ominous premonition.

"This number." Gu Ze gestured a few fingers.

Qiu gently widened her eyes, "I'll go, why don't you grab it?"

"Then will you pay or not?" Gu Ze got up from the sofa, he was tall and big, making Qiu Qingqing very petite.

Qiu gently scolded Gu Ze in his heart, then took the bag, opened it and looked into the wallet, and finally took out a few red tickets, "There are only so many."

Gu Ze glanced at the few red tickets, disdainful, "I don't want your money."

"You are really inexplicable." Qiu Qingqing was also angry, stood up abruptly and was about to leave.

However, Gu Ze blocked the way, and asked with a cold face, "Want to go?"

"I've already cleaned the apartment." Qiu Qingqing's cheeks were puffed up, looking like a little hamster.

Gu Ze snorted, "What did you use my computer for just now?"

"Start the live broadcast." Qiu Qingqing said angrily.

"What live broadcast?" Gu Ze frowned slightly.

"My job." Qiu held back his temper lightly, and explained: "It is to be an anchor. I promised the fans that the broadcast will start at nine o'clock tonight. Because I can't make it in time, I can only use your computer for a while, but Don't worry, there won't be a next time."

She only used his computer for this stingy man, but he even counted money with her, how stingy!

Gu Ze's eyes were stained with a gleam, "Didn't you just make a video with your boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Qiu paused slightly, and looked at Gu Ze with an idiot-like look, "If I'm videoing with my boyfriend, how could I use your computer in your apartment? Even if I don't mind using your computer, then I'm afraid my boyfriend will misunderstand."

Gu Ze raised his eyebrows, feeling that what he said made sense, "So, you are just videoing with your fans?"

"That's called live streaming."

"Are they all male fans?"

"It's none of your business."

"Then you and your male fans live broadcast, so you don't worry about your boyfriend finding out?"

"I do not have a boyfriend."

When Gu Ze heard this, a strange light flashed in his eyes.It turns out that the little girl doesn't have a boyfriend!

In an instant, all his dissatisfaction was swept away.

So, he coughed lightly and said, "It's not that I can't use my computer, but I'm not allowed to show intimacy to male fans like this in the future, understand?"

Qiu Weiwei felt a little strange, "Why?"

"If I say no, I won't allow it. Also, what platform is your live broadcast account on? What's your name?"

Qiu Qingqing: "."

Is this guy out of his mind?
Why are the words she said not on the same channel as her?
Gu Ze raised his eyebrows slightly, and his expression was threatening, "My computer is worth [-] yuan. If you use it to broadcast live, you will be fine with [-] yuan. Unless you tell me, what is the name of your live broadcast?"

"!" Qiu lightly clenched her little hand.

Can you hit someone?
In the end, there was really no other way, Qiu Qingqing gave Gu Ze the live broadcast number on our platform.

After leaving the apartment, she cursed Gu Ze to death all the way.

Gu Ze used his mobile phone to download the live streaming app Dou Le, registered an account, searched for the words Xiaoqingqing, and clicked Follow.

Clicking on Xiaoqingqing's page, he found that there were many short videos in it, so he clicked on it and watched them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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