The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1380 Jing Chen feels a bit mysterious

Chapter 1380 Jing Chen feels a bit mysterious
Emperor Bar.

The night is already very deep.

Jing Chen waited until the bar was about to close before leaving.

Of course, the reason why it was so late was mainly because he had just acquired Emperor Zun, and he needed to know about the business during this period, including various matters.

After leaving the bar, he drank and couldn't drive, so he had to use his mobile phone to call a driver on the platform.

After a while, the master came and helped him drive him back.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Jing Chen put his hands on his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

After drinking, he didn't know if his stamina had improved. He felt a little drunk, so he lowered the car window, intending to blow the evening breeze to wake himself up.

As a result, after the car window was lowered, he casually glanced outside, and then found a girl with short hair and a cold expression under the street lamp by the roadside surrounded by three men with yellow hair.

Maybe he thought he had misread it, so he blinked and looked carefully again, only to find that the girl was really the mulberry leaf that made him a green cocktail tonight.

Depend on!
How could he be so unlucky that this kind of thing happened to him?

Perhaps because he didn't want to trouble himself, he closed his eyes and pretended not to see them.

The car drove past.

He opened his eyes and looked at the road ahead, but there was no one there.

It was already late at night, and of course no one would come out.

So, Sang Ye, a girl, why did she take this quiet and less crowded road?

After all, he still couldn't pass that level in his heart, he gritted his teeth, "Stop!"


The wheels screeched on the ground.

Jing Chen clenched his fists, "Back!"

So, the car backed up.

After retreating to the place where the three yellow-haired men and girls were on the side of the road, Jing Chen shouted, "Stop!"

Then, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Under the street lamp, three men with yellow hair dragged mulberry leaves into the alley.

Jing Chen couldn't help speeding up his pace, and at the same time cursed a foul word.

The alley is pitch black.

Sang Ye was dragged in by three men with dyed yellow hair, and then, the three men blocked Mulberry Ye, smiling lewdly.

"Tsk, play with your buddies obediently, we promise to let you enjoy it."

"Hahaha, that's right, as long as you are obedient, my buddy will treat you better."

"Listen, raise your hand and take this off of me."

"And mine, hurry up."

Sang Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an imperceptible chill in her dark pupils, "Are you sure you want me to do it?"

Her voice was cold and hoarse, very tasteful.

The three men with dyed yellow hair smiled evilly.

One of them reached out to touch Sang Ye's face, but was slapped by Sang Ye.

"Hiss..." The man withdrew his hand, and at the same time he didn't forget to click his tongue twice, "It's quite aggressive, what are you pretending to do, buddy, don't be too polite, come on!"

The corners of Sang Ye's lips curled up in a bloodthirsty arc, and with an uppercut he hit the leading man, and at the same time hit another man's abdomen with his elbow, and then swept the last man to the ground with his legs.

So, when Jing Chen rushed to the alley, what he saw was the scene of the girl fighting three men in a heroic manner.

This scene made Jing Chen feel a little unreal.

The three men were beaten, but they were unwilling and still had strength, so they got up from the ground and rushed towards Sangye again.

Jing Chen panicked, "Be careful!"

However, next.


With just three or two blows in total, the three men completely lay down on the ground, raising their hands in surrender with pained expressions.

"Forgive me, we were wrong."

"Sister, we were offended just now, please forgive me."

"Please let us go, if you want money or something, we can give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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