The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1401 She has to follow the plan quickly

Chapter 1401 She has to follow the plan quickly

Rao Shixin leaned his back against the door, and looked at the man in front of him through the faint light.Her little hand landed on the man's face in a disobedient manner, and then touched her Adam's apple with her fingertips.

Her movements made the man's muscular body tense up unavoidably.

Soon, her restless hand was grabbed by a gentle palm, and her ten fingers clasped tightly against the door.

The man lowered his head, his forehead pressed against hers, his thin lips parted slightly, and all the warm breath he exhaled sprayed on her face, "Did you miss me today?"

The bewitching voice was as rich and mellow as the red wine tasted just now, which made Rao Shixin's heart soften inexplicably.

The night outside the window is very charming, and the room is very quiet, so quiet that you can hear each other breathing.

In such an atmosphere, her heartbeat and pulse couldn't help but beat faster.

Her pink lips smacked a few times, and she answered from her heart: "I want to."

This is the truth.

Today in the film crew, although she is busy, when she has free time, she will always think of him uncontrollably.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself.

Since being with him that night, her body and mind seemed to have fallen.

After her answer fell, the man's sharp and thin lips obviously raised a curve.

In the next second, the man lifted her chin with his palm, and his lips fell.

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night!

the other side.


After dinner, Lou Shuyu accompanied Li Xiangyun for a walk in the garden.

In August, even at night, the weather is still a bit muggy.

The stars are shining, and the wind blows occasionally.

Li Xiangyun looked at the stars in the sky with deep eyes, "Shuyu, grandma plans to give you all the inheritance."

Hearing this, Lou Shuyu felt nothing in his heart.

Ever since there was no Lou Tianyou in this family, she could already predict that everything belonged to her.

Li Xiangyun wants to give her all the inheritance, for her, it's just a matter of time.

Now the entire Lou family, she is the only heir left, if not her, who else can he give it to?

Anyway, it already belonged to her, so she was naturally not in a hurry.

"Grandma, don't be so anxious. Let's talk about inheritance later."

Li Xiangyun held Lou Shuyu's hand, sighed, and said, "Grandma wants to give you all the inheritance, it's because grandma feels guilty."

Hearing this, Lou Shuyu fell silent.

"Grandma is so kind to Tianyou, and sometimes she ignores you. If grandma knew that Tianyou's bastard was not from my Lou family, grandma would never share the love she gave you with Tianyou. Grandma is ashamed of you." .”

Lou Shuyu comforted: "It's all over, grandma, I didn't take it to heart."

Now everything in the Lou family belongs to her alone, and she doesn't have to fight with anyone anymore. Right now, she has more important things to do.

It's already August, and her stomach is still flat. Taking advantage of the present, she has to hurry up and follow the plan, otherwise it will be troublesome when her stomach slowly becomes pregnant.

Thinking of this, she rubbed her stomach with her small hands, her eyes darkened a little, and said, "Grandma, I will start tomorrow and go to the set. The rest period is too long."

"This..." Li Xiangyun was a little worried, "But your stomach."

"I don't feel anything abnormal in my stomach, and the crew doesn't have many plays. I only have one show tomorrow. Don't worry, grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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