The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

What does Chapter 1402 mean is already obvious

What does Chapter 1402 mean is already obvious
Li Xiangyun frowned, "Shu Yu, how long will this child stay?"

Hearing this, Lou Shuyu closed his eyes, "Save it until the birthday of the old man of the Rao family."

Hearing this, Li Xiangyun paused and then understood something.

Lou Shuyu pursed his lips, "I heard that Mr. Rao's birthday is next week."

The time is calculated like this, but it is just right.

Li Xiangyun pursed her lips, wondering what was on her mind, "We'll send a gift over at that time, at least we can be regarded as Jia Nian's natal family."

Lou Shuyu has no objection to this.

Tanxuan Apartment.

In the living room, a piece of rice paper was spread out on the table in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

After Chen Yuhui finished eating, she wanted to paint on a whim.

In the kitchen, Rao Yanzhong put the bowls and chopsticks into the dishwasher, pressed the button, and started to boil water to make tea.

After making tea, he took it to the living room, looked up, and saw the person painting in front of the window. The night scene in the distance was pleasant, and it was not as good-looking as the person painting at the moment.

The old man couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, for fear of disturbing the painter, so he stepped lightly and put the tea on the coffee table.

The tea is fragrant and steaming.

The old man deliberately calculated the time, and when the painter finished the painting, the tea was just cold enough to quench his thirst.

After putting down the tea, he didn't stay in the living room, but went to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, he took out his mobile phone and swiped open the screen, found a certain name in WeChat, and typed to send a message.

Tin Garden.

Rao Shichen, who had already finished his dinner, was working in his study when a message buzzed from his phone.

Rao Yanzhong: Brat, my birthday is next week, don't forget.

Seeing the news, Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, and then replied.

Rao Shichen: How dare your grandson forget your old man's birthday?
Rao Yanzhong: That's about the same.

Rao Shichen: What are your thoughts and how do you plan to live?
Rao Yanzhong: This birthday banquet should be lively.


Rao Shichen tapped the table with his fingertips and thought for a while.

Just then, the old man sent another message.

Rao Yanzhong: I don't want your grandma to know about this, understand?

Rao Shichen:? ? ?

Rao Yanzhong: For this birthday banquet, I want to surprise your grandma. She can't follow me without a name or a title!

It is already obvious what this means.

Rao Shichen's eyes flashed with light.

Outside the door, a slender figure walked in. The girl was holding a cup of tea.

The dense heat dyed the girl's snow-white face a little rosy.

Rao Shichen's brows brightened with joy, and then he simply replied the message to the old man, and then put down the phone.

Rao Yanzhong, who was in the bedroom of the apartment, saw the word "understanding" sent by the other party, so he also ended the chat.

He put down his cell phone, got up and went to the living room outside to have a look. The person who was doing the painting looked kind and serious. He didn't want to disturb him, so he went back to the bedroom.

On Xiyuan's side, Lou Jianian walked into the room with tea in his hand, and walked to the nanmu desk, with a gentle smile on his face, "I made you a cup of tea."

Rao Shichen raised his hand to take the tea, took a sip, then put down the tea, patted his legs, "Come and sit."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian did not refuse.

"Grandpa's birthday is next week." Rao Shichen embraced Lou Jianian, resting his chin on her shoulder, his voice was clear, sweet and pleasant.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows and asked, "How does Grandpa plan to live?"

"He wants to make a big deal." Rao Shichen added, "However, don't let grandma know."

Lou Jianian thought for a while, then understood, and said with a smile: "I never thought that grandpa would be so romantic at this age."

(End of this chapter)

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