The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1404 Decided to go and remove the nails

Chapter 1404 Decided to go back and remove the nails
But wait, how does this girl's voice look so similar.
"Hey, are you Shi Xin?" Actually, she was a little uncertain, after all, she couldn't tell the owner of the voice through the phone, so she could only ask first.

However, in her opinion, this is almost inseparable.

After Rao Shixin heard the other party asking such a question, his little face was tangled up to death.

Early in the morning, she took Liang Feimo's mobile phone to answer the call, which easily reminded people of what she and Liang Feimo did last night.

This is so fucking embarrassing.

However, even if she loses face, she still has to answer politely.

"Then what, I'm Rao Shixin, are you an aunt?" When she said this, she felt so fake.

But, there is no way, she is an acting school, no matter what, she has to end this embarrassing call perfectly.

Mrs. Liang covered her heart, excited, but she didn't dare to show it too obviously.

"Oh, Shi Xin, it's really you, what are you doing?" Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted immediately by the other party.

On the phone, Rao Shixin said: "Auntie, it's like this, I studied jewelry with Liang Feimo last night, and it was too late and sleepy, so I slept in Liang Feimo's apartment One night, by the way, I slept in the guest bedroom, the guest bedroom."

She focused on the guest bedroom twice, just hoping that the other party would not think wrongly.

In the end, the other party said: "Shi Xin, there is no need to explain, Auntie understands."

Mrs. Liang covered her mouth and snickered.

It's a pity that the snickering came to Rao Shixin's ears through the phone.

Rao Shixin: "."

If the time could be repeated, she would never answer this call.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the door, and when she looked up, she saw a man walking in in a white bathrobe.

The man's jet-black hair looked a little messy, but he was still handsome.In addition, the man had just woken up not long ago, and he felt a little lazy in his coolness.

The light from the floor-to-ceiling windows just shone on the man's body. The neckline of the bathrobe was slightly open, and the scratches on the chest muscles could be seen.

Rao Shixin looked at her long manicure, followed by licking her lips, and decided to go back and take off her nails.

The moment she was distracted, the man glanced over, as if he had discovered that the mobile phone she was holding belonged to him.

So, he stepped forward and raised his eyebrows slightly.

At that moment, she remembered that the phone was still on the phone, so she quickly coughed lightly and said, "Then what, auntie, let me give the phone to Liang Feimo."

As she said that, she handed the phone to the man, but when she handed it over, she covered the receiver with her hand, and whispered threateningly: "Don't talk nonsense!"

The man didn't say anything, he just reached out to pick up the phone and put it to his ear, "Mom."

On the other side of the phone, Mrs. Liang smiled, "Son, you're amazing!"

With just three or two moves, her future daughter-in-law was completely taken down immediately!

It seems that it will be a matter of time before the Liang family wants to hold a happy event.

Liang Feimo's expression was indifferent, and his eyes swept to Rao Shixin who was beside him.

And Rao Shixin sat up from the bed when Liang Feimo took the phone.She covered herself with the quilt with her hands. Even though it was tightly wrapped, she still showed her delicate collarbone, shoulders, and thin white arms.

(End of this chapter)

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