The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1405 Looks like the eyes of a little fox

Chapter 1405 Looks like the eyes of a little fox

Her long hair was draped behind her, messy and beautiful, her hazel charming eyes, after a night of lust, looked particularly bewitching, like the eyes of a little fox.

Liang Feimo glanced at her collarbone and shoulders, his eyes were deep.The next second, his hand holding the phone seemed to be a little tighter, and when he spoke again, his voice became a little darker, as if he was restraining something, "What are you calling me for?"

"Hey, son, it's nothing wrong with mom calling you. Mom just wants you to bring Shi Xin over for dinner tonight. Your grandfather talks about Shi Xin all day long, but after all, mom thought you I've been busy alone recently, so it turns out that you're romantically involved, yes, son, keep working hard and try to let me hold my grandson."

When Liang Feimo looked at Rao Shixin who had been leaning over to hear what the person on the phone had to say, the corners of his lips curled up.He rubbed the edge of the phone with his fingertips, "I see, Mom, don't worry, I will do it."

"Oh, is it true? Son, you promised mother, you can't break your promise, do you understand?" Mrs. Liang was overjoyed.

The son actually agreed to be hugged by her grandson, and she had to tell the old man the news as soon as possible later.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows, "Well, I'll hang up if there's nothing else to do." After speaking, he hung up the phone and put the phone down.

On this end, Mrs. Liang looked at the hung up phone with joy in the corners of her eyes.

She hurriedly left the bedroom and went downstairs.

At this time, Mr. Liang was eating breakfast in the restaurant.

Since being discharged from the hospital, the elderly get up early every day, exercise on time, eat breakfast, and maintain a happy mood.

No, the old man has already started to eat breakfast before eight o'clock.

Mrs. Liang walked to the table with a smile on her face and took a seat, "Good morning, Dad."

On the main seat, Mr. Liang nodded, "Morning."

"Dad, I have something good to tell you. Don't get too excited." Mrs. Liang picked up the warm boiled water that the servant had already prepared, and took a sip.

Old Mr. Liang was puzzled, "What good thing?"

"Your grandson overwhelmed other people's Chinese cabbage."

Mr. Liang rubbed his ears, thinking he had misheard, "What do you mean? That kid Feimo actually stole cabbage? The Liang family is short of money for that little cabbage? This brat is outrageous.

"?" Mrs. Liang was taken aback, "Oh, no, Dad, Feimo didn't steal the cabbage, he did, let me tell you directly, Feimo took Shi Xin back to spend the night."

"Nani?" Mr. Liang couldn't hold the fork firmly, and dropped it to the ground with a bang, "Take it home. Overnight?"

"That's right, Feimo is quite fast, but he has only been in love for a long time, so he knows how to be a cabbage. Dad, in my opinion, our family is really ready for a happy event."

Old Mr. Liang was excited, "Oh, oh, I am so old, is it possible that I can really open my eyes and see my grandson marry a wife?"

"Dad, trust me, you can do it!" Mrs. Liang smiled from ear to ear.

Old Mr. Liang couldn't sit still anymore, "If Feimo has already brought Shi Xin over for the night, what are we elders waiting for? Propose marriage, we must go."

"Dad, will this be too fast? We have to consider what Shi Xin thinks?" Mrs. Liang hesitated.Although she is also eager to have a wedding right away, it is not good to ignore the feelings of her future daughter-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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