The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1410 This figure is simply invincible!

Chapter 1410 This figure is simply invincible!
So, she glanced at the man beside her and said, "How did you come up with this trick?"

Even though it was cruel to let Xia Xi hold a press conference with her bald head, she liked it.

Liang Feimo pinched her chin with his palm, rubbed it with his fingertips, parted his pretty thin lips slightly, "Satisfied?"

"Hmph, I'm barely satisfied." Rao Shixin replied a little arrogantly.

Laugh lines appeared in the corners of Liang Feimo's eyes, and he couldn't help but press a kiss on her face, "As long as you are satisfied, let's go back to have dinner together tonight?"


Rao Shixin raised his hand to his forehead, a little hesitant.

"Huh?" Liang Feimo frowned slightly, "Haven't thought it through yet?"

Rao Shixin glanced at him, curled his lips, "I'm thirsty, go get some water."

Hearing this, Liang Feimo paused, and then his face brightened with joy.In the next second, he got up obediently and walked towards the living room outside.

Rao Shixin couldn't help but glance at the man's figure.

This figure is simply invincible!
Fortunately, this is a top-floor suite, and the privacy is excellent, otherwise the man would not be reported for walking around so naked!
Soon, the man returned with a glass of water, brought the edge of the glass to her lips, and fed her water.

She was not polite, and drank all the water in one go with the man's hand.

From last night to now, her throat is almost dry and hoarse from shouting.

Already thirsty.

The glass of water was finished, and the press conference on TV was over.

After today, Xia Xi can be regarded as famous in the entertainment industry.

With black material, many directors dare not ask her to film anymore.

Of course, all of this was caused by Xia Xi.

No wonder anyone.

"Have you figured it out?" The man's thin lips fell next to her ear, and a pleasant voice sounded.

She was taken aback, she didn't expect the man to know the answer in such a hurry.

After hesitating for a while, he finally said: "Grandpa Liang invited me to dinner, then I'll go."

As her voice fell, the man's eyebrows stretched, and his smile lines were obvious.

She added: "I didn't go to dinner because of you."

"Yeah." The man nodded with a smile.

She was dissatisfied again, so she pushed the man, "I'm hungry."

When the man heard it, he immediately asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"It will be all right."

The man took out his mobile phone and ordered food.

After a while, there was your knock on the door.

The man got up, put on his bathrobe, walked out of the bedroom, and went outside to open the door.

Rao Shixin was too lazy to move, and stayed on the bed.

Because she was not sleepy, she played a game.

Unexpectedly, he was killed miserably by the opponent.

When the man went to pick up the meal and came back, he happened to see her manipulating the phone with both hands, swearing foul language.

"Damn! It's so disgusting, you actually hid in the grass and plotted against me, it's kind of a one-on-one fight!"

The man frowned slightly, put down the meal, and walked to the bedside. When he glanced around, he saw that another head had disappeared from the game on the girl's phone.

"Ah! I'm so mad! Li Xin, I want to kill you!"

The man rubbed his forehead with a headache, watching the girl's Daji come back to life in the game.So, he commanded: "There is Hou Yi in the grass on the left, attack from behind."

The girls follow suit.

After a while, Hou Yi's head was taken.

The girl is happy.

"Hide Baili Shouyi on the right side of the middle road, go down the road."

Listening to the man's prompt, the girl slid her fingertips, and Daji walked down the grass.

"Baili is here, hide, it's ok, let's zoom in."

After the girl has used her big move, she will continue to use her skills.As a result, the head of Baili who kept the promise was also taken by Daji.

(End of this chapter)

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