The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1411 Rao Shixin Feels Warmth Inside

Chapter 1411 Rao Shixin Feels Warmth Inside
After playing the game to the end, Rao Shixin's Daji won the Super God.

This made Rao Shixin very happy.She proudly saved the screen as a screenshot and sent it to Moments.

After posting it, she remembered one thing, so she glanced at the man and asked, "How can you play the king?"

A man like Liang Feimo is either busy with work or work on weekdays, so he doesn't have time to play games. Besides, Liang Feimo's cold personality doesn't seem like the kind of person who can play games.

Liang Feimo's dark eyes deepened a little, "It's for you."

"?" Rao Shixin didn't understand, "Are you serious?"

"Your game is good." Liang Feimo told the truth directly.

Rao Shixin choked for a moment, "You know?"

"You played with WeChat."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was surprised, "So, you know that I'm playing the king, that's why you played."

Liang Feimo rubbed Rao Shixin's head with his palm, "I'll teach you later, aren't you hungry? Eat something." Then, he withdrew his palm, walked towards the coffee table, picked up a plate of pasta, and followed He came back again, sat down beside the bed, and personally fed Rao Shixin.

Rao Shixin took the man's hand and took a mouthful of pasta. Not only did his stomach feel like it was slowly being filled, but even his heart seemed to be different.

It turned out that in order to teach her how to play the game well, this man secretly played behind her back.

The sun outside the window was getting hotter and hotter, and Rao Shixin felt warm in his heart.

A morning passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

film and television city.

A car drove up at the door, and the door opened. Lou Shuyu was wearing low heels and a skirt.

After resting for a few days, she felt that it was time for her to come to the set.

Too many things before made her feel bad.

Divorced, pregnancy found out, if she hadn't spent a little time to let herself slowly accept the reality, she would definitely be in a terrible state now.

After getting off the car, she looked at the antique building in front of her, and her dream was once again ignited.

After filming "Zhaoyang Tianxia", she has to quickly find other resources, and must make herself famous in the entertainment circle in the shortest possible time.

Thinking of this, she was about to step into the crew, but just as she took the steps, she suddenly heard the voice of discussion behind her.

"Is this Lou Shuyu? I saw her again on the set."

"It's really shameless. I thought she quit the crew, but I haven't seen her for a few days, and she reappeared."

"I haven't forgotten the fact that she framed Bei Xiao before. By the way, Xia Xi held a press conference in the morning. She faced the camera and admitted that she hired someone to follow and secretly film Rao Shixin. I didn't expect that Xia Xi Is such that."

"What's the difference between Xia Xi and Lou Shuyu? They don't have the right mind. They never think about working hard. They only use some heretic methods. They either frame others or think about how to take other people's achievements. It's really bad."

"You're right, working hard is the most important thing."

When Lou Shuyu heard these words, his face turned cold, he gritted his teeth, and then walked into the crew.

Now, she doesn't want to have conflicts with people in the crew, of course, this doesn't mean she will stop there.

She had already carefully remembered the two people who talked about her just now.

After entering the crew, she saw that the staff on the set were busy, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and controlled her emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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