The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1412 As a director, he is also tired

Chapter 1412 As a director, he is also tired

Shen Qinghuan was discussing something with the assistant director over there. Seeing this, she stepped up to the tea room and specially made a cup of tea.

After making tea, she left the tea room, just in time to see that Shen Qinghuan had finished discussing with the assistant director, so she took the tea and walked towards Shen Qinghuan.

"Director Shen, it's too hot, let's drink some tea."

At this moment, Shen Qinghuan was just about to give orders to the prop master, when he suddenly saw someone appearing in front of him, offering tea to him in a flattering manner, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his fat face was stained with a smile, "Shuyu, it's you, my friend It just happened to be hot, and the tea you brewed came just in time."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to take the tea, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

The tea is brewed just right, lukewarm, just to quench your thirst.

Lou Shu said to Yang Mei, and politely smiled back, "I took a break these few days, didn't I delay the progress of filming?"

"Hey, what can you delay, this drama you." Shen Qinghuan suddenly coughed lightly and said again: "It's good to rest for a few days. After all, if you are not in good condition, it will definitely affect the filming."

Hearing this, Lou Shuyu was relieved.After resting for a few days, she was still worried that Director Shen would have an opinion on her, so she deliberately made a cup of tea and wanted to find out.

"Director Shen is right. I've finished my rest and I'm in a good state. I'm confident that I can shoot the afternoon scene well."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghuan nodded and smiled, "Okay, I'm relieved."

"I haven't put on makeup yet, Director Shen, can we talk later when we have time?"

"Of course, you go to make up first."

Lou Shuyu nodded, then turned and left.

Behind him, Shen Qinghuan held the tea in his hand and fell into deep thought.

On the side, the prop master came over, "Director Shen, I have finished all these fake flowers. By the way, that was Lou Shuyu just now? What did he tell you?"

Shen Qinghuan waved her hand, "It's nothing, she is just worried that taking a few days off will delay the progress of filming. To be honest, she is just a decoration in this drama, and her acting skills are not good. After this drama is finished, I think there is a high probability that I will I will never ask her to film again."

"I also think her acting skills are a bit poor, plus she caused the scandal of buying inspiration before. Although the incident is over, once her name appears on the Internet, that scandal will follow. Her character Corrupted, it’s okay not to use it.”

"Of course I know this. In fact, if this show wasn't for selling favors to my friend, I wouldn't let her join my crew. That's all, let's not mention it."

"By the way, Director Shen, Xia Xi held a press conference in the morning, and this matter was directly searched. Our crew is now famous. I really didn't expect Xia Xi to do such a thing. What are you going to do?"

Mentioning this gave Shen Qinghuan a headache.He had seen the press conference in the morning. Xia Xi openly admitted the fact that she hired someone to follow up on Rao Shixin secretly and smear Rao Shixin. Now the whole Internet is discussing this matter.

"Zhaoyang Tianxia" is still being filmed, and these hot searches have been posted one after another.

As a director, he is also tired.

"What else can I do about this? I can't replace Xia Xi, right? Who will bear the loss? After the filming of this drama is over, I don't think I will use Xia Xi again."

The prop master also asked curiously, "Why did Xia Xi suddenly publicly admit that she had slandered Rao Shixin, and even apologized to Rao Shixin in front of the screen? This operation really ruined her future."

(End of this chapter)

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