The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1416 A wave of nausea strikes

Chapter 1416 A wave of nausea strikes
The two girls in the single room heard the noise and knew there was someone outside.

Someone locked them in the bathroom on purpose.

"Who is it? Let us go!"

"I'm going to call the police!"

Lou Shuyu took the tissue slowly, ignoring the two clamoring girls.

After wiping her hands, she crumpled up the paper towel, threw it into the trash can, and turned to leave.

As she left, the door closed with a bang.

Because of the excellent sound insulation, the voices of the two girls in the bathroom could no longer be heard.

Lou Shuyu left along the corridor and ran into Pan Min just as he reached the exit.

The middle-aged Pan Min is well maintained, playing the role of the queen in the play is simply his true colors.

She has a good personality and always has a smile on her face.Even though she has a certain status in the entertainment industry, she is never arrogant and very approachable.

Lou Shuyu did not expect to meet Pan Min at the exit.At any rate, Pan Min is an important person in the circle, so she naturally called out politely, "Hello, Sister Pan."

From filming to now, she hasn't really had any contact with Pan Min.

Pan Min nodded with a smile, and then started to leave.

At this time, Lou Shuyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and said again: "Sister Pan, are you going to the dressing room?"

Hearing this, Pan Min stopped and shook his head, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Hearing that the other party was going to the bathroom, Lou Shuyu paused, and then immediately said: "Sister Pan, the faucet in the bathroom here is broken."

Pan Min was stunned when he heard that, "It's broken? Forget it, I'll go to the director's bathroom. Thank you for reminding me."

"Sister Pan, you are being polite. There is nothing to thank. We are all members of the production team. Sister Pan, I have always liked you very much. I have seen all the plays you act in, and you are very good." Lou Shuyu praised some.

Pan Min smiled modestly, "Acting skills need to be polished, and I also rely on hard work to get everyone's approval, but acting skills still need continuous learning."

"No, in my opinion, Sister Pan, your acting skills are good enough. I very much hope that one day I can be like you, Sister Pan."

"Yes, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can't chat anymore. My assistant is still waiting for me outside the door. I'm going to the bathroom and I'm leaving."

Lou Shuyu nodded in response: "Sorry, Sister Pan, I wasted your time."

"It's okay." Pan Min waved his hand, turned and left.

Lou Shuyu felt relieved when he saw Pan Min leave.

The production crew had already finished work, and everyone who had to leave was gone. There was not even a single person in the dressing room just now, let alone the bathroom.

The two girls are afraid that they will stay in there until tomorrow.

Thinking of this, she was in a great mood, so she walked away.

After walking out of the crew door, she immediately got into her car, and just about to start the car, a nausea hit her stomach, making her almost want to vomit.

Fortunately, she quickly took out the essential oil and wiped it on, and then suppressed the nausea.

She lowered the window of the car and blew on the air, and the whole person felt better.

However, when she thought of the child in her stomach, she frowned slightly.

Tanxuan Apartment.

The sky is gradually ending.

On the dining table, an assortment of delicacies.

Because Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian were coming to eat, the two old people specially cooked a table of meals.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, traffic is coming and going on the overpass in the distance.

Inside the apartment, it's cozy.

After Rao Yanzhong took a sip of the red wine, he picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish and put it in Chen Yuhui's bowl, "Painting takes your brains, eat more fish, it can replenish energy."

Looking at the extra meat in the bowl, Chen Yuhui smiled, then pinched the chopsticks and put the fish into her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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