The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1417 Lou Jia Nian feels comforted in her heart

Chapter 1417 Lou Jia Nian feels comforted in her heart
Rao Shichen was sitting across from him, busy reading cloth dishes to Lou Jia.

Seeing more and more dishes in the bowl, Lou Jianian was a little helpless, and could only stop him: "I can't eat so much."

Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, "You're so thin, eat more."

On the side, Rao Yanzhong snorted softly, "Stinky boy, Nian Nian said that she can't eat so much, why are you forcing her to eat so much?"

Rao Shichen, who was inexplicably accused, could only stop reading cloth dishes to Lou Jia.

Lou Jianian licked her lips, thinking of saying something.

At this moment, Chen Yuhui said, "Yan Zhong, I can't eat so much, so don't pinch it for me."

Rao Yanzhong changed his smiling face, "Fish is good, eating more is good for your health, Yuhui, you have been painting these days, eating some meat can make up for it." Then, he held the fish with his chopsticks again Put it in Chen Yuhui's bowl.

Looking at this scene, Rao Shichen looked at Rao Yanzhong.

Rao Yanzhong stared back, "Eat, watch what I do, brat."

Rao Shichen: "."

Rao Yanzhong took a mouthful of food and put it into his mouth, then complained: "Shi Xin, girl, doesn't come back for dinner either."

"Young people have young things to be busy with, so you shouldn't keep talking about Shi Xin." Chen Yuhui said a few words.

Rao Yanzhong whispered, "Shi Xin is already 25, I am at this age, if I don't see her solve the important life-long matter with my own eyes, I will be ashamed to explain to her parents when I go back down."

Hearing this, Chen Yuhui smiled, "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, don't worry so much, come and eat some meat." Then, she picked up the fish in the bowl and put it in Rao Yanzhong's bowl .

This operation successfully made Rao Yanzhong eat happily.

Lou Jianian looked at the interaction between the two old people, the corners of his lips curled up.

It is also considered lucky to be able to find a partner for the rest of my life at this age.

At this moment, Lou Jianian felt comforted in his heart.

After the meal, Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian stayed for tea, and chatted with the two elderly people by the way.

Late at night, eleven o'clock.

Cold House.

A black Lincoln drove into the wrought iron gate.

The car bypassed the fountain pool and finally stopped in front of the steps.

The palace lanterns in the garden were cast down, the car door opened, and a man in a lead gray suit got out of the car.

The man's handsome face and amber eyes looked like beasts in the dark night, domineering and indifferent.Just standing there is enough to intimidate people.

On the steps, I saw an elderly man wearing cotton and linen clothes walking down quickly, "Sir, you are back."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the old man smelled the alcohol from the man, so the old man frowned and asked respectfully and worriedly: "Sir, have you been drinking?"

Leng Qirui's hair was a little messy, it was blown.

At night, the leaves in the garden rustled in the evening wind.

He raised his hand to loosen his tie, and his face, which was haloed by the palace lantern, looked like an ancient Greek prince, exuding nobility all over his body.Probably because of the alcohol, the corners of his eyes were obviously crimson.

He said that he threw the briefcase to Uncle Zhang, the housekeeper, slightly parted his fickle lips, and said in a mellow voice, "What about the little guy?"

Uncle Zhang naturally knew who the little guy was referring to.So, Zhang Bo immediately replied: "The young master is already asleep. By the way, sir, have you had dinner? Do you want me to ask the kitchen to make you something to eat?"

Leng Qirui untied his cuffs with his slender hands, and said lightly: "No need, why did that kid go to bed so early these days?"

(End of this chapter)

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