The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1458 How can you be unlovable?

Chapter 1458 How can you be unlovable?
In order not to be written down by Liang Feimo in the notebook, Gu Ze tactfully kept a distance from Rao Shixin, and stopped arguing about anything, so he hurried out of the way.

Gu Ze, who was no longer an eyesore, beeped beside him, and Rao Shixin ordered a song.She didn't know what to sing.

After picking and choosing, I finally chose a song that is relatively popular recently.

In fact, as an actress, she rarely listens to pop music, mainly because she doesn't have that time, and she pays more attention to things in the entertainment industry.

Moreover, she wants to improve her acting skills, so she often follows well-known TV dramas and learns the acting skills of other veteran actors.

In addition to filming, she also has to learn acting skills, and there are announcements at other times, so she rarely pays attention to music.

It's just that not paying attention doesn't mean that she doesn't even listen to the song. For example, recently, she occasionally listens to the ancient song "How to Sigh".

This is what she heard inadvertently when she was watching a small video before. She thought it was not bad, so she searched for the BGM, and then listened to it several times.

After she ordered the song, the music started soon, and she held the microphone and began to sing.

Usually she is more about acting, singing in front of the screen is very rare, but in fact her timbre is very good, and her voice is also very good.

"Sing a water tune, when will there be a bright moon?"

She had just sung the first line, and all the eyes of everyone present were on her.

Among all the people, only Liang Feimo's eyes are the most fiery.

I saw that his cold eyes had long been replaced by deep ones, and his eyes were fixed on the girl singing with a microphone in her hand.

From this angle, the girl has a slender and beautiful figure, her long curly hair is rolled up, and her legs in jeans look very straight.

The fluorescent light cast a halo around her, making her seem to be radiant. Without the usual arrogance, she only seemed a little gentle at the moment. Maybe it was because the song felt too old-fashioned. It made her look a bit more ancient.

The people present suddenly understood why many costume dramas like to cast Rao Shixin as the leading role, mainly because Rao Shixin has that temperament.

How can a beautiful woman be unloved?
Even the two of them who are together with Rao Shixin on weekdays can be beautiful, let alone the audience.

Gu Ze didn't expect Rao Shixin to sing so well, and then thought of his own singing just now.
He suddenly decided that when he got back, he must practice his singing voice well, because he made a fool of himself just now.

Will the little girl dislike her?

Thinking of this, he turned his gaze to the girl not far away.

The girl blinked her eyes and looked at the singing person very seriously, her eyes were full of light and enthusiasm.

Seeing this, he couldn't help snorting softly.

When he sang just now, he had never seen her listen so seriously.

Lou Jianian was also attracted by Rao Shixin's song.She didn't expect Rao Shixin to be good at singing besides acting.

On the side, Rao Shichen's eyes only fell on Lou Jianian.

No matter how nice the song sung by his own sister was, it was even more eye-catching than the daughter-in-law in his eyes.

After arriving in the private room tonight, Lou Jianian's mood obviously improved, and Rao Shichen completely relaxed.

Rao Shixin is still singing——

"Sigh, there are trees in the mountains, and the trees have branches.
Your heart pleases you, you don’t know,

But I missed too many things with you in my previous life,
How can you sigh, there is a moon in autumn, and poetry in that moon,
Not as good as being with you,

I met you again in the mountains and rivers in my dream."

(End of this chapter)

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