The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1459 Pleasure visible to the naked eye

Chapter 1459 Pleasure visible to the naked eye

Liang Feimo's entire chest was throbbing, and his pulse was throbbing.

At this moment, everything around me seemed to disappear.

His eyes could only accommodate the girl in front of him.

The girl sang so beautifully that his hand holding the wine glass stopped shaking subconsciously. All people and things were nothingness, and his whole world was only for girls.

After singing the song, Rao Shixin heaved a sigh of relief.

It's been a long time since she sang, and this time, she also brought some serious feelings into it.

Unexpectedly, just as she put down the microphone, everyone present burst into applause.

Hearing the supportive applause, she turned around with a smile on her face.

Under the projection of the light, I saw her beautiful face exuding a charming light.

She was already beautiful, plus she had a good figure and good temperament, this smile made her even more charming.

On the sofa, a certain man couldn't sit still.He put down the wine glass in his hand, then stood up and walked in front of her.

Seeing a tall and tall body suddenly appeared in front of him, Rao Shixin was momentarily stunned.

Under the light, Liang Feimo's dark suit looked more mysterious.

I don't know why he suddenly stood up and walked in front of her at this moment?
Do you want to sing?

Thinking of this, she picked up the microphone and handed it to him, "Here, here you are."

Liang Feimo glanced at the microphone in front of him, and then said with burning eyes, "I don't want this."

"?" Rao Shixin was a little confused, "Then what do you want?"

Liang Feimo's dark eyes were fixed on her eyebrows, his eyes followed her small nose, and then fell on her pink lips, and then deep understanding appeared in his eyes.

The next second, he couldn't help but directly raised his hand to hold her bright wrist, and pulled her into his arms. At the same time, he pinched her jaw with the other hand, and his thin lips fell.

Everyone present was so shocked that they dared not speak!

So exciting to play?
Rao Shixin's eyes widened, she didn't expect a man to do such an operation suddenly.She pushed with her little hand, but was pinned tightly by the man.

This scene lasted about 5 minutes.

When it was over, Rao Shixin almost lost his footing.

Liang Feimo clasped her waist with one hand to keep her from falling to the ground.

Behind him, there was applause.

Tonight's private room was the most lively one.

Rao Shixin's ears were a little dry and hot.Even though she was brave, she was somewhat uncomfortable facing this kind of thing, after all, there were so many people.

So, she beat the man's chest in dissatisfaction.

The man just hooked his lips dotingly.

Immediately afterwards, the man held her hand and led them away without saying hello to the people present.

Rao Shixin: "."

Just being taken all the way out of the bar, until he got into the car, Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, and complained: "You just took me away like this, isn't that too straightforward?"

When Liang Feimo fastened her safety gear, his thin lips pressed a kiss on her face, "It's not like they don't know that we are a couple."

"It's because they all know that we are a couple, so you should be more careful. If you drag me away in public like this, the idiots will know why you are taking me." Rao Shixin felt ashamed.

Liang Feimo's dark eyes were stained with darkness.The man who is cold and ruthless on weekdays, tonight is full of pleasure visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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